Kurt Weill (1900-1950)

- Uncle Dave Lewis, All Music Guide
COMPOSITIONS Weill Links ~ ~ ~ Works by Genre
Mi Addir (Jewish wedding song), voice and piano (1913)
Es blühen zwei flammende Rosen, voice and piano (1913; fragment)
Ich weiss wofür, voice and piano (1914)
Reiterlied, voice and piano (1914)
Gebet), voice and piano (1915)
Sehnsucht, voice and piano (1916)
Ofrah's Lieder (Jehuda Halevi), a cycle of five songs, voice and piano (1916)
Zriny, opera (1916; lost)
Im Volkston, voice and piano (1916)
Volkslied, voice and piano (1917)
Das schöne Kind, voice and piano (1917)
Intermezzo, piano (1917)
Maikaterlied, voice and piano (1918)
Abendlied, voice and piano (1918)
String Quartet, B Minor (1918)
Orchestra Suite in E major (1919)
Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke, symphonic poem, orchestra (1919; manuscript lost)
Weberlied, voice and piano (1920)
Schilflieder, a cycle of five songs, voice and piano (1919; may have been composed earlier)
Ninon von Lenclos, opera (1919; manuscript lost, probably unfinished)
Die stille Stadt, voice and piano (1919)
Sulamith, "Chorfantasie", soprano, chorus and orchestra (1920; incomplete draft survives)
Sonata for Cello and Piano (1919-20)
Langsamer Fox, piano (1921)
Algi-Song, a parodic cabaret number, foxtrot for piano, with vocal refrain, piano and voice (1921)
Symphony No. 1, orchestra (1921)
[Polka],piano (1921, unfinished)
Die Bekehrte, voice and piano (1921)
Rilkelieder, voice and piano (1921)
Psalm VIII, chorus (1922; incomplete or partly missing)
Zaubernacht, ballet-pantomime with scenario by Vladimir Boritsch (1922)
- Quodlibet, op. 9, suite, orchestra (1923) [from the pantomime "Zaubernacht", 1922]
Divertimento, small orchestra, with male chorus (1922)
Fantasia, Passacaglia und Hymnus, orchestra, op. 6 (1922) [Sometimes known as "Sinfonia sacra"]
String Quartet No. 1, op. 8 (1923)
Recordare (Lamentations V), chorus and 3-part children's choir, op. 11 (1923)
Frauentanz: sieben Gedichte des Mittelalters, soprano, flute, viola, clarinet, horn and bassoon, op. 10 (1923)
[Pantomime], scenario by Georg Kaiser (1923; unfinished)
Das Stundenbuch, a cycle of 6 songs, baritone and orchestra (1923-25; partly lost)
Concerto for Violin and Wind Orchestra, op. 12 (1924)
Klops-Lied, voice and piano (1924)
Der Protagonist, opera in one act, op. 15 (1924-25)
Der Neue Orpheus, cantata, soprano, violin and orchestra, op. 16 (1924-25)
Royal Palace, opera in one act, op. 17 (1924-25)
Herzog Theodor von Gothland, incidental music (1926; largely lost)
Na und?, comic opera in two acts (1927; unperformed; only sketches survive)
Mahagonny - Songspiel, soloists and orchestra (1927) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Gustav III, incidental music (1927)
Vom Tod im Wald, voice and orchestra (1927)
Der Zar lässt sich photographieren, opera in one act, op. 21 (1927)
Leben Eduards des Zweiten von England, incidental music (1928; fragment survives) [play: Bertolt Brecht]
Konjunktur, incidental music (1928; partly lost]
Katalaunische Schlacht, incidental music (1928; manuscript missing)
Die Dreigroschenoper, or the Threepenny Opera, opera (1928) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
- Kleine Dreigroschenmusik (Little Threepenny Music), suite, wind orchestra (1928)
- Sieben Stücke nach der "Dreigroschenoper" (arr. for violin and piano by Stefan Frenkel, 1930)
- Premiere of "Die Dreigroschenoper" film [19 February 1931; directed by G.W. Pabst]
Berlin im Licht (Weill) Song, march, military band/wind ensemble; or voice and piano (1928)
Petroleuminseln, songs and possibly incidental music (1928; partly missing)
Das Berliner Requiem (Berlin Requiem), cantata, 3 male voices and winds (1928) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Der Lindberghflug (first version), cantata, soloists, chorus and orchestra (1929) [music: Weill and Hindemith; text: Brecht]
Happy End, a surrealistic three-act musical comedy (1929) [text: Elisabeth Hauptmann and Bertolt Brecht]
Der Lindberghflug (second version), cantata, tenor, baritone, bass, chorus and orch (1929) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Die Legende vom toten Soldaten, chorus (1929)
Zu Potsdam unter den Eichen, chorus; or voice and piano (1928) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny, or Rise & Fall of the City of Mahagonny, opera (1927-30) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Der Jasager, opera (1930) [text: Elisabeth Hauptmann and Bertolt Brecht]
Mann ist Mann, incidental music (1931) [play: Bertolt Brecht]
Die Bürgschaft, or The Pledge, opera in three acts (1930-31)
Der Silbersee Ein Wintermärchen, or Silver Lake, a play with music in three acts (opera) (1932-33)
Die sieben Todsünden, or The Seven Deadly Sins, ballet chanté, voices and orchestra (1933) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Es regnet, voice and piano (1933)
Der Abschiedsbrief, voice and piano (1933)
La grand complainte de Fantômas, [incidental music?] (1933; largely missing)
Complainte de la Seine, voice and piano (1934)
Je ne t'aime pas, voice and piano (1934)
Symphony No. 2, orchestra (1933-34)
Der Kuhhandel, operetta (1934; rev. 1935 as “A Kingdom for a Cow”)
Marie galante, a play with music in two acts, voices and small orchestra (1934)
Youkali, tango habañera, voice and piano (1934) [1935?]
Der Weg der Verheissung, biblical drama in four parts (1934-35; rev. 1937 as “The Eternal Road")
High Wind in Jamaica, two songs, without texts, voice and piano (1936)
The Fräulein and the Little Son of the Rich, song drama, voice and piano (1936)
Johnny Johnson, musical (1936)
The River is Blue, film score (1937) [film title was changed to “Castles in Spain”, then to “Blockade”; Weill's score was not used]
Tu me démolis, voice and piano (1937, lost)
Pauv' Madam' Peachum!, voice and piano (1937)
Albumblatt für Erika, piano (1937; unpub(?) and unperformed piano arr. from "The Eternal Road", 1937)
The Common Glory, a musical pageant (1937; unfinished)
Two Folksongs of the New Palestine, arranged for voice and piano (1938)
Davy Crockett, musical (1938; unfinished)
The Opera from Mannheim, [musical] (1938; unfinished and lost)
You and Me, film score (1937-1938)
Knickerbocker Holiday, musical comedy in two acts (1937)
Songs of Discovery (2 songs), voice and piano (1939; incomplete, partly missing)
Railroads on Parade, peageant in five acts (1938)
Ulysses Africanus, musical (1939; unfinished; some songs later adapted & incorporated into "Lost in the Stars", 1949)
Madam, Will You Walk?, incidental music (1939)
Nannas Lied, voice and piano (1939) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, voice and piano (1939; manuscript missing, fragment of copy survives)
Two on an Island, incidental music (1939; no music survives)
Ballad of Magna Carta, cantata, narrator, bass, chorus and orchestra (1940)
Lady in the Dark, musical play in two acts (1940)
Fun to be Free, pageant (1941)
Your Navy, incidental music for radio (1942)
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, narrator, chorus & orchestra (1942) (arr. or "Battle Hymn ...," "Star Spangled Banner,"
"America,"& "Beat! Beat! Drums!")
And What Was Sent to the Soldier's Wife? (Und was bekam des Soldaten Weib?), voice and piano (1942) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Propaganda Songs, voice and piano (1942) [songs for the war effort]
Russian War Relief, voice, piano and guitar (1942)
The Pirate, musical (1942, unfinished)
We Will Never Die, pageant (1943)
One Touch of Venus, musical (1943)
Der brave Soldat Schwejk, operetta (1943; unfinished) [text: Bertolt Brecht)
Der gute Mensch von Sezuan, [musical?] (1943; unfinished) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Wie lange noch?, voice and piano (1944)
Salute to France, film score (1944)
Where Do We Go From Here?, film score (1944)
The Firebrand of Florence, operetta (1945)
Down in the Valley, folk opera (1945; rev. 1948)
Kiddush, cantor, chorus and organ (1946)
A Flag is Born, incidental music (1946)
Four Walt Whitman Songs, voice and orchestra (or piano) (1942-47)
Street Scene, musical, or more precisely, an "American opera" (1947)
Hatikvah (arrangement of the Israeli National Anthem), orchestra (1947)
Love Life, vaudeville in two acts (1947-48)
Lost in the Stars, musical tragedy in two acts (1949)
Huckleberry Finn, musical play (1950; unfinished)
- Five Songs from Huckleberry Finn, voice & pf/or orch (1950; pub post.; orch by R.R. Bennett)
WORKS BY GENRE Weill Links ~ top of page ~
Zriny, opera (1916; lost)
Ninon von Lenclos, opera (1919; manuscript lost, probably unfinished)
Zaubernacht, ballet-pantomime with scenario by Vladimir Boritsch (1922)
[Pantomime], scenario by Georg Kaiser (1923; unfinished)
Der Protagonist, opera in one act, op. 15 (1924-25)
Royal Palace, opera in one act, op. 17 (1924-25)
Na und?, comic opera in two acts (1927; unperformed; only sketches survive)
Mahagonny - Songspiel, soloists and orchestra (1927) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Der Zar lässt sich photographieren, opera in one act, op. 21 (1927)
Die Dreigroschenoper, or the Threepenny Opera, opera (1928) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Happy End, a surrealistic three-act musical comedy (1929) [text: Elisabeth Hauptmann and Bertolt Brecht]
Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny, or Rise & Fall of the City of Mahagonny, opera (1927-30) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Der Jasager, opera (1930) [text: Elisabeth Hauptmann and Bertolt Brecht]
Die Bürgschaft, or The Pledge, opera in three acts (1930-31)
Der Silbersee Ein Wintermärchen, or Silver Lake, a play with music in three acts (opera) (1932-33)
Die sieben Todsünden, or The Seven Deadly Sins, ballet chanté, voices and orchestra (1933) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Der Kuhhandel, operetta (1934; rev. 1935 as “A Kingdom for a Cow”)
Marie galante, a play with music in two acts, voices and small orchestra (1934)
Der Weg der Verheissung, biblical drama in four parts (1934-35; rev. 1937 as “The Eternal Road")
Johnny Johnson, musical (1936)
The Common Glory, a musical pageant (1937; unfinished)
Davy Crockett, musical (1938; unfinished)
The Opera from Mannheim, [musical] (1938; unfinished and lost)
Knickerbocker Holiday, musical comedy in two acts (1937)
Railroads on Parade, peageant in five acts (1938)
Ulysses Africanus, musical (1939; unfinished; some songs later adapted & incorporated into "Lost in the Stars", 1949)
Lady in the Dark, musical play in two acts (1940)
Fun to be Free, pageant (1941)
The Pirate, musical (1942, unfinished)
We Will Never Die, pageant (1943)
One Touch of Venus, musical (1943)
Der brave Soldat Schwejk, operetta (1943; unfinished) [text: Bertolt Brecht)
Der gute Mensch von Sezuan, [musical?] (1943; unfinished) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
The Firebrand of Florence, operetta (1945)
Down in the Valley, folk opera (1945; rev. 1948)
Street Scene, musical, or more precisely, an "American opera" (1947)
Love Life, vaudeville in two acts (1947-48)
Lost in the Stars, musical tragedy in two acts (1949)
Huckleberry Finn, musical play (1950; unfinished; 5 songs for voice and pf/or orchestrated by R.R. Bennett pub. posth.)
Orchestra Suite in E major (1919)
Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke, symphonic poem, orchestra (1919; manuscript lost)
Symphony No. 1, orchestra (1921)
Divertimento, small orchestra, with male chorus (1922)
Fantasia, Passacaglia und Hymnus, orchestra, op. 6 (1922) [Sometimes known as "Sinfonia sacra"]
Quodlibet, op. 9, suite, orchestra (1923) [from the pantomime "Zaubernacht", 1922]
Symphony No. 2, orchestra (1933-34)
Hatikvah (arrangement of the Israeli National Anthem), orchestra (1947)
Kleine Dreigroschenmusik (Little Threepenny Music), suite, wind orchestra (1928)
Berlin im Licht (Weill) Song, march, military band/wind ensemble; or voice and piano (1928)
Soloist(s) w/Orchestra
Concerto for Violin and Wind Orchestra, op. 12 (1924)
Chorus w/Orchestra
Sulamith, "Chorfantasie", soprano, chorus and orchestra (1920; incomplete draft survives)
Divertimento, small orchestra, with male chorus (1922)
Der Lindberghflug (first version), cantata, soloists, chorus and orchestra (1929) [music: Weill and Hindemith; text: Brecht]
Der Lindberghflug (second version), cantata, tenor, baritone, bass, chorus and orch (1929) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Ballad of Magna Carta, cantata, narrator, bass, chorus and orchestra (1940)
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, narrator, chorus & orchestra (1942) (arr. or "Battle Hymn ...," "Star Spangled Banner,"
"America,"& "Beat! Beat! Drums!")
Psalm VIII, chorus (1922; incomplete or partly missing)
Recordare (Lamentations V), chorus and 3-part children's choir, op. 11 (1923)
Die Legende vom toten Soldaten, chorus (1929)
Zu Potsdam unter den Eichen, chorus; or voice and piano (1928) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Kiddush, cantor, chorus and organ (1946)
String Quartet, B Minor (1918)
String Quartet No. 1, op. 8 (1923)
Solo Instrument
Sonata for Cello and Piano (1919-20)
Sieben Stücke nach der "Dreigroschenoper" (arr. for violin and piano by Stefan Frenkel, 1930)
Intermezzo, piano (1917)
Langsamer Fox, piano (1921)
Algi-Song, a parodic cabaret number, foxtrot for piano, with vocal refrain, piano and voice (1921)
[Polka],piano (1921, unfinished)
Albumblatt für Erika, piano (1937; unpub(?) and unperformed piano arr. from "The Eternal Road", 1937)
Mi Addir (Jewish wedding song), voice and piano (1913)
Es blühen zwei flammende Rosen, voice and piano (1913; fragment)
Ich weiss wofür, voice and piano (1914)
Reiterlied, voice and piano (1914)
Gebet), voice and piano (1915)
Sehnsucht, voice and piano (1916)
Ofrah's Lieder (Jehuda Halevi), a cycle of five songs, voice and piano (1916)
Im Volkston, voice and piano (1916)
Volkslied, voice and piano (1917)
Das schöne Kind, voice and piano (1917)
Maikaterlied, voice and piano (1918)
Abendlied, voice and piano (1918)
Weberlied, voice and piano (1920)
Schilflieder, a cycle of five songs, voice and piano (1919; may have been composed earlier)
Die stille Stadt, voice and piano (1919)
Algi-Song, a parodic cabaret number, foxtrot for piano, with vocal refrain, piano and voice (1921)
Die Bekehrte, voice and piano (1921)
Rilkelieder, voice and piano (1921)
Frauentanz: sieben Gedichte des Mittelalters, soprano, flute, viola, clarinet, horn and bassoon, op. 10 (1923)
Das Stundenbuch, a cycle of 6 songs, baritone and orchestra (1923-25; partly lost)
Klops-Lied, voice and piano (1924)
Der Neue Orpheus, cantata, soprano, violin and orchestra, op. 16 (1924-25)
Vom Tod im Wald, voice and orchestra (1927)
Berlin im Licht (Weill) Song, march, military band/wind ensemble; or voice and piano (1928)
Petroleuminseln, songs and possibly incidental music (1928; partly missing)
Das Berliner Requiem (Berlin Requiem), cantata, 3 male voices and winds (1928) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Zu Potsdam unter den Eichen, voice and piano, or chorus (1928) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Es regnet, voice and piano (1933)
Der Abschiedsbrief, voice and piano (1933)
Complainte de la Seine, voice and piano (1934)
Je ne t'aime pas, voice and piano (1934)
Youkali, tango habañera, voice and piano (1934) [1935?]
High Wind in Jamaica, two songs, without texts, voice and piano (1936)
The Fräulein and the Little Son of the Rich, song drama, voice and piano (1936)
Tu me démolis, voice and piano (1937, lost)
Pauv' Madam' Peachum!, voice and piano (1937)
Two Folksongs of the New Palestine, arranged for voice and piano (1938)
Songs of Discovery (2 songs), voice and piano (1939; incomplete, partly missing)
Nannas Lied, voice and piano (1939) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, voice and piano (1939; manuscript missing, fragment of copy survives)
And What Was Sent to the Soldier's Wife? (Und was bekam des Soldaten Weib?), voice and piano (1942) [text: Bertolt Brecht]
Propaganda Songs, voice and piano (1942) [songs for the war effort]
Russian War Relief, voice, piano and guitar (1942)
Wie lange noch?, voice and piano (1944)
Four Walt Whitman Songs, voice and orchestra (or piano) (1942-47)
Five Songs from Huckleberry Finn, voice & pf/or orch (1950; pub post.; orch by R.R. Bennett) [from "Huckleberry Finn", 1950]
Herzog Theodor von Gothland, incidental music (1926; largely lost)
Gustav III, incidental music (1927)
Leben Eduards des Zweiten von England, incidental music (1928; fragment survives) [play: Bertolt Brecht]
Konjunktur, incidental music (1928; partly lost]
Katalaunische Schlacht, incidental music (1928; manuscript missing)
Petroleuminseln, songs and possibly incidental music (1928; partly missing)
Mann ist Mann, incidental music (1931) [play: Bertolt Brecht]
Die Dreigroschenoper "film" (premiere 19 February 1931; directed by G.W. Pabst)
La grand complainte de Fantômas, [incidental music?] (1933; largely missing)
The River is Blue, film score (1937) [film title was changed to “Castles in Spain”, then to “Blockade”; Weill's score was not used]
You and Me, film score (1937-1938)
Madam, Will You Walk?, incidental music (1939)
Two on an Island, incidental music (1939; no music survives)
Your Navy, incidental music for radio (1942)
Salute to France, film score (1944)
Where Do We Go From Here?, film score (1944)
A Flag is Born, incidental music (1946)
WEILL LINKS Works by Genre ~ top of page ~
Behind the Mystique: Kurt Weill and 1920s Berlin (Jessica Balik, San Francisco Classical Voice)
Conversation on Kurt Weill (Gwen Ifill, PBS NewsHour)
From Berlin to Broadway (Charlotte Purkis, Central Europe Review)
Kurt Weill and His American Identity (Kim H. Kowalke, American Composers Orchestra)
Kurt Weill and We Will Never Die (David Farneth, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
Kurt Weill in America (Jewish Music Web Center)
Kurt Weill - The Seven Deadly Sins (Good Music Guide)
Kurt Weill's Silver Lake (Der Silbersee) (Brendan Simms, The Social Affairs Unit)
Kurt Weill: The Three Penny Opera (Tel Asiado, Suite101.com)
Kurt Weill: Zaubernacht (Magic Night) (Meirion Bowen)
The Papers of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya (Irving S. Gilmore Music Library, Yale University)
Weill and Anderson: Lost in the Stars (Stephen Graham, MusicalCriticism.com)
Kurt Weill: An Illustrated Life (Jürgen Schebera, Caroline Murphy, Yale Univ Pr, books.google.com)
Kurt Weill on Stage: From Berlin to Broadway (Foster Hirsch, Hal Leonard, books.google.com)
Speak Low (When You Speak Love): The Letters of Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya (Univ of Cal Pr, books.google.com)
The Kurt Weill Foundation
Kurt Weill Newsletter
Weill @ Wikipedia
Weill @ About.com
Weill @ American Songwriter
Weill @ Answers.com
Weill @ BBC/h2g2
Weill @ BFI (British Film Institute)
Weill @ Biography.com
Weill @ CITWF / Complete Index to World Film
Weill @ Classic Cat
Weill @ Classical Archives
Weill @ Classical Composers Database
Weill @ Classical Music Pages
Weill @ Classical Net
Weill @ ClassicsToday
Weill @ composition:today
Weill @ Dilettante Music
Weill @ Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers
Weill @ European American Music Distributors
Weill @ Everything2
Weill @ Facebook
Weill @ Facebook/The Kurt Weill Foundation
Weill @ Fandango
Weill @ Fanfaire
Weill @ Find a Grave
Weill @ IBDB (Internet Broadway Database)
Weill @ IMDb (Internet Movie Database)
Weill @ Infoplease
Weill @ InstantEncore
Weill @ Karadar Classical Music
Weill @ Milken Archive of American Jewish Music
Weill @ MSN Music
Weill @ Music and the Holocaust
Weill @ Music & Vision
Weill @ MusicWeb International
Weill @ musicianguide.com
Weill @ MySpaceMusic
Weill @ Naxos
Weill @ The New York Times
Weill @ NNDB
Weill @ NPRmusic
Weill @ The OREL Foundation
Weill @ PBS/Broadway: The American Musical
Weill @ Real.com
Weill @ REC Music Foundation /The Lied and Art Song Texts Page
Weill @ Schott Music
Weill @ Songwriters Hall of Fame
Weill @ SoundUnwound
Weill @ spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk
Weill @ Starpulse.com
Weill @ StateUniversity.com
Weill @ The Three Penny Opera
Weill @ Universal Edition
Weill @ University of Southern California/Weill Centennial Celebration
Streaming Audio
Weill @ CBC/Concerts on Demand
Weill @ Classical Archives
Weill @ last.fm
Weill @ The Milken Archive of American Jewish Music
Weill @ MySpaceMusic
Weill @ NPRmusic
Weill @ PRX (Public Radio Exchange)
Weill @ Rhapsody
Weill @ ArkivMusic
Weill @ ClassicsOnline
Weill @ Discogs
Weill @ YouTube