Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007)
Karlheinz Stockhausen emerged early on as one of the most influential and unique voices in the post-WWII European musical avant-garde and his prominence continued throughout the rest of the twentieth century and into the twenty first. Combining a keen sensitivity to the acoustical realities and possibilities of sound, rigorous and sophisticated compositional methods expanded from integral serialism, innovative theatricality, and a penchant for the mystical, Stockhausen remains one of the most innovative musical personalities to span the turn of this century. Stockhausen was born in 1928 near Cologne. Orphaned as a teen, he immersed himself in artistic pursuits and showed promise both as a writer and a musician. He took classes at the new music school in Darmstadt with Adorno before moving to Paris, where he studied with Messiaen and met Boulez and Pierre Schaeffer. These encounters, as well as studies in phonetics and communication, proved a crucial influence on his subsequent work at the electronic music studio in Cologne; by the mid-'50s he had secured a spot in the vanguard of both electronic music and integral serialism. During the next decade he forged relationships with some of the most prominent contemporaries, including Kagel, Ligeti, and Cage, and, taking over the reins at the Darmstadt school, mentored such innovative up-and-comers as Cornelius Cardew and La Monte Young. His influence extended into popular culture, as well: he appears on the cover of the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper album. Stockhausen held various appointments during the rest of the twentieth century, and continued teaching summer seminars attended by important emerging composers. Stockhausen's most influential compositions vary widely in their style and media, and attest to the composer's far-ranging interests in science, technology, religion, cosmology, and mysticism. His various instrumental and vocal works from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s explore various ways of extrapolating serial methods and mathematical structures, such as the Fibonacci series, to dictate pitches, rhythms, articulations, and larger formal structures. The influential tape piece Gesang der Jünglinge (1955) combines the jumbled phonemes from a Biblical source text with an elaborately methodic splicing scheme. Hymnen (1966) mixes various national anthems with complex electronic sound structures. In Stimmung (1968), a group of singers intones various mystical names to the harmony of the overtone series. From the late '70s onward, Stockhausen's efforts focused on LICHT, a sprawling opera cycle drawn from various religious mythologies, particularly the Urantia Book, a collection of writings supposedly delivered to Earth by extraterrestrials.- Jeremy Grimshaw/allmusic
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DREI LIEDER (THREE SONGS), alto and chamber orchestra (1950)
CHORAL (CHORALE), chorus (1950)
SONATINE (SONATINA), violin and piano (1951)
KREUZSPIEL (CROSS-PLAY), oboe, bass clarinet, piano, 3 percussionists/sound proj. (1951)
FORMEL (FORMULA), orchestra [28 players] (1951)
SPIEL (PLAY), orchestra (1952)
SCHLAGTRIO (PERCUSSIVE TRIO), piano and 2 x 3 timpani/sound proj. (1952)
PUNKTE, orchestra (1952/62)
KONTRA-PUNKTE (COUNTER-POINTS), 10 instruments (1952-53)
STUDIE II / STUDY II, electronic music/sound proj. (1954)
KLAVIERSTÜCKE V–X (PIANO PIECES V–X) (1954-55; IX and X were finished in 1961)
ZEITMASZE (TIME MEASURES), 5 wood-winds (1955-56)
GRUPPEN (GROUPS), 3 orchestras (1955-57)
KONTAKTE (CONTACTS), electronic sounds, piano and percussion (pianist, percussionist, sound projectionist
or electronic sounds realisation score (1958-60)
ZYKLUS (CYCLE), 1 percussionist (1959)
CARRÉ, 4 orchestras and choruses (1959-60)
REFRAIN, 3 players (1959)
ORIGINALE (ORIGINALS) Musical Theatre with Kontakte/sound proj. (1961)
PLUS-MINUS, 2 x 7 pages for realization (1963)
MIKROPHONIE I (MICROPHONY I), tam-tam, 2 mic, 2 filters with potentiometers (6 players) (1964)
MIXTUR (MIXTURE), orchestra, 4 sine-wave generators, 4 ring modulators/sound proj. (1964)
[also for small orchestra/4 generator players/4 sound mixers/sound proj., 1967]
MIKROPHONIE II, 12 singers, Hammond org. or synth., 4 ring modulators, tape / sound proj. (1965)
STOP, orchestra (also, STOP ”Paris Version”, 19 players, /sound proj., 1969)
SOLO, melody instrument with feedback/sound proj. (1965/66)
TELEMUSIK (TELEMUSIC), electronic music/sound proj. (1966)
ADIEU, wood-wind quintet (1966)
67 HYMNEN (ANTHEMS), electronic and concrete music/sound proj. (1966-67)
PROZESSION (PROCESSION), tam-tam, viola, electronium or synth., pf, microphonist, filterer and level controller (1967)
STIMMUNG (TUNING) for 6 vocalists/sound proj. (1968; also STIMMUNG (TUNING) ”Paris Version” /sound proj., 1968)
KURZWELLEN (SHORT-WAVES), 6 players/sound proj. (1968)
AUS DEN SIEBEN TAGEN (FROM THE SEVEN DAYS), 15 text compositions for intuitive music (1968)
SPIRAL, soloist with short-wave receiver/sound proj. (1968)
Dr. K-SEXTETT, flute, violoncello, tubular bells and vibraphone, bass clarinet, viola, piano (1968/69)
FRESCO, 4 orchestra groups (1969)
HYMNEN (Dritte Region) / ANTHEMS (Third Region), electronic music with orchestra/sound proj. (1969)
FÜR KOMMENDE ZEITEN (FOR TIMES TO COME), 17 texts for intuitive music (individually performable) (1968-70)
POLE, 2 players/singers with 2 short-wave receivers/sound proj. (1969-70)
EXPO, 3 players/singers with 3 short-wave receivers/sound proj. (1969-70)
MANTRA, 2 pianists with wood-blocks and antique cymbals, sine-wave generators and ring modulators/ sound proj. (1970)
STERNKLANG (STAR SOUND), park music for 5 groups (21 singers and instrumentalists) (1971)
TRANS, orchestra and tape or 8-track tape and strings, piccolo trumpet, drummer/sound proj. (1971)
AM HIMMEL WANDRE ICH (IN THE SKY I AM WALKING) American Indian songs, 2 voices (1972)
YLEM, 19 players/singers/sound proj. (1972)
INORI, adorations for one or two soloists and orchestra/sound proj. (1973-74)
VORTRAG ÜBER HU (LECTURE ON HU), for a singer - musical analysis of INORI in one volume with
the prayer’s part of INORI for one or two dancer-mimes with orchestra or tape/sound proj. (1974)
HERBSTMUSIK (AUTUMN MUSIC), musical theatre for 4 players/sound proj. (1974)
TIERKREIS (ZODIAC), 12 melodies of the Star Signs for a melody and/or a chordal instrument
(1974/75; also for voice and chordal instrument; for chamber orchestra; for clarinet and piano;
Trio Version for clarinet, flute and piccolo, trumpet and piano/sound proj.; for tenor or soprano
and synthesizer, 1974 -2003)
MUSIK IM BAUCH (MUSIC IN THE BELLY) for 6 percussionists and music boxes/sound proj. (1975)
HARLEKIN (HARLEQUIN), clarinet (1975)
AMOUR, 5 pieces for clarinet (1976; also for flute, 1976/81; for saxophone, 1976/2003)
ATMEN GIBT DAS LEBEN (BREATHING GIVES LIFE), choir opera with orchestra (or tape) (1974-77)
SIRIUS, electronic music and trumpet, soprano, bass clarinet, bass/sound proj. (1975-77)
ARIES, trumpet and electronic music/sound proj. (1977/80)
LIBRA, bass clarinet and electronic music/sound proj. (1977)
CAPRICORN, bass and electronic music/sound proj. (1977)
JUBILÄUM (JUBILEE), orchestra/sound proj. (1977)
IN FREUNDSCHAFT, clarinet or flute or recorder or oboe or bassoon or basset-horn or bass clarinet or
saxophone or violin or viola or cello or double bass or horn or trumpet or trombone or tuba (1977)
DONNERSTAG aus LICHT (THURSDAY from LIGHT), opera in three acts, a greeting and a farewell for
14 musical performers (3 solo voices, 8 solo instrumentalists, 3 solo dancers), choir, orchestra
and tapes/ sound projectionist (1978-80)
- DONNERSTAGS-GRUSS (MICHAELS-GRUSS) / THURSDAY GREETING (MICHAEL’S GREETING), 8 brass instruments, piano, 3 percussionists; includes MICHAEL’S CALL for variable ensemble with 8 parts (1978)
- UNSICHTBARE CHÖRE (INVISIBLE CHOIRS), 16-channel a cappella recording and 8- or 2-track play-back/sound proj. (1979)
- MICHAELs JUGEND / MICHAEL’S YOUTH (Act 1 of THURSDAY from LIGHT), tenor, soprano, bass/trumpet, basset-horn, trombone, piano/elec. organ or synthesizer/3 dancer-mimes / tapes with choir and instruments/sound proj. (1978)
- MICHAELs REISE UM DIE ERDE / MICHAEL’S JOURNEY ROUND THE EARTH (Act 2 of THURSDAY from LIGHT), trumpet and orchestra/sound proj. (1978)
- MICHAELs HEIMKEHR / MICHAEL’S HOME-COMING (Act 3 of THURSDAY from LICHT), tenor, soprano, bass / trumpet, basset-horn, trombone / 2 soprano saxophones / elec. organ or synthesizer / 3 dancer-mimes / old woman / choir and orchestra (1980)
- DONNERSTAGS-ABSCHIED (MICHAELS-ABSCHIED / THURSDAY FAREWELL (MICHAEL’S FAREWELL), 5 trumpets (or 1 trumpet in 5-track recording/sound proj. (1980)
- MICHAELs RUF (MICHAEL’S CALL), version for 4 trumpets (1978)
- KINDHEIT / CHILDHOOD (scene of MICHAEL’S YOUTH), tenor, soprano, bass / trumpet, basset-horn, trombone / dancer / tapes / sound proj. (1979)
- TANZE LUZEFA!/DANCE LUCEFA! (scene of MICHAEL’S YOUTH), basset-horn or bass clarinet (1980)
- BIJOU (from MICHAEL’S YOUTH), alto flute, bass clarinet and tape / sound proj. (1978/79)
- MONDEVA / MOON-EVE (scene of MICHAEL’S YOUTH) for tenor and basset-horn, ad lib.: soprano, bass, trombone, mime / elec. organ or synthesizer / 2 tapes / sound proj. (1978/79)
- EXAMEN / EXAMINATION (scene of MICHAEL’S YOUTH) for tenor, trumpet, dancer / piano, basset-horn, ad lib.: ”jury” (soprano, bass, 2 dancer-mimes) / 2 tapes / sound proj. (1979)
- KLAVIERSTÜCK XII / PIANO PIECE XII (EXAMINATION of THURSDAY from LIGHT, piano solo) / sound proj. (1979/83)
- HALT (from MICHAEL’S JOURNEY), trumpet and double bass (1978)
- MISSION und HIMMELFAHRT/MISSION and ASCENSION (from MICHAEL’S JOURNEY), trumpet and basset-horn / sound proj. (1978)
- FESTIVAL (scene of MICHAEL’S HOME-COMING), tenor, soprano, bass / trumpet, basset-horn, trombone / 2 soprano saxophones / elec. organ (or synth.) / 3 dancer-mimes / old woman / choir and orchestra (cond.) / tapes / sound proj. (1980)
- DRACHENKAMPF / DRAGON FIGHT (from MICHAEL’S HOME-COMING),trumpet, trombone, elec. organ or synthesizer/2 dancers(ad lib.)/1 percussionist(ad lib.)/sound proj. (1980)
- KNABENDUETT / BOYS’ DUET (from MICHAEL’S HOME-COMING), 2 soprano saxophones or other instruments (1980)
- ARGUMENT (from MICHAEL’S HOME-COMING), tenor, bass, elec. organ or synthesizer / sound proj. ad lib.: trumpet, trombone, percussionist (1980)
- VISION (scene of MICHAEL’S HOME-COMING), tenor, trumpeter, dancer / Hammond organ or synthesizer / tape / ad lib.: shadow plays / sound proj. (1980)
SAMSTAG aus LICHT (SATURDAY from LIGHT), opera in a greeting and four scenes for 13 musical performers (1 solo voice, 10 solo instrumentalists, 2 solo dancers), symphonic band, ballet or mimes / men’s chorus with organ / sound proj. (1981-83)
- SAMSTAGS-GRUSS (LUZIFER-GRUSS) / SATURDAY GREETING (LUCIFER GREETING), 26 brass instruments and 2 percussionists (1984)
- LUZIFERs TRAUM oder KLAVIERSTÜCK XIII / LUCIFER’S DREAM or PIANO PIECE XIII (1st scene of SATURDAY from LIGHT), bass and piano / sound proj. (1981)
- KATHINKAs GESANG als LUZIFERs REQUIEM / KATHINKA’S CHANT as LUCIFER’S REQUIEM (2nd scene of SATURDAY from LIGHT), flute and 6 percussionists or as flute solo / sound proj. (1982-83)
- LUZIFERs TANZ / LUCIFER’S DANCE (3rd scene of SATURDAY from LIGHT), bass (or trombone or euphonium), piccolo trumpet, piccolo flute/symphonic band or symphony orchestra /sound proj. (and stilt-dancers, dancer, ballet or mimes for staged performances) (1983)
- LUZIFERs ABSCHIED / LUCIFER’S FAREWELL (4th scene of SATURDAY from LIGHT), men’s chorus, organ, 7 trombones (live or tape) / sound proj. (1982)
- KLAVIERSTÜCK XIII / PIANO PIECE XIII (LUCIFER’S DREAM of SATURDAY from LIGHT), piano solo / sound proj. (1981)
- TRAUM-FORMEL (DREAM FORMULA), basset-horn (1981)
- KATHINKAs GESANG / KATHINKA’S CHANT, fl. and electronic music, sound proj. (1983)
- RECHTER AUGENBRAUENTANZ / RIGHT EYEBROW-DANCE (from LUCIFER’S DANCE) for clarinets, bass clarinet(s) / percussionist / synthesizer player (1983/2003)
- LINKER AUGENTANZ / LEFT-EYE-DANCE (from LUCIFER’S DANCE) for saxophones, percussionist / synthesizer player [2 (or 3) soprano saxophones, 2 (or 3) alto saxophones, 1 (or 2) tenor saxophone(s), 1 (or 2) baritone saxophone(s), 1 bass saxophone] / sound proj. (1983/90)
- NASENFLÜGELTANZ / WINGS-OF-THE-NOSE-DANCE (from LUCIFER’S DANCE) for percussionist and synthesizer player or as percussion solo / sound proj. (1983/90)
- OBERLIPPENTANZ / UPPER-LIP-DANCE (PROTEST) (from LUCIFER’S DANCE) for piccolo trumpet / trombone or euphonium / 4 or 8 horns / 2 percussionists / sound proj. or as solo for piccolo trumpet / sound proj. (1983)
- ZUNGENSPITZENTANZ / TIP-OF-THE-TONGUE-DANCE (from LUCIFER’S DANCE) for piccolo flute / dancer (ad lib.) / 2 euphoniums or synthesizer / percussionist (ad lib.) / sound proj. or as piccolo solo (1983)
- KINNTANZ / CHIN-DANCE (from LUCIFER’S DANCE) Version for euphonium, percussionist, synthesizer player / sound proj. or Version for euphonium, percussionist / alto trombones, tenor horns (baritones), tubas / sound proj. (1983/89)
MONTAG aus LICHT (MONDAY from LIGHT), opera in three acts, a greeting and a farewell for 21 musical performers (14 solo voices, 6 solo instruments, 1 actor), choir (tape or live), staged: 21 actresses / children’s choir, girls’ choir, modern orchestra /sound projectionist (1984-88)
- MONTAGS-GRUSS (EVA-GRUSS) / MONDAY GREETING (EVE GREETING), multiple basset-horn and elec. keyboard instruments (basset-horn live and tape, or tape only) / sound proj. (1986/88)
- EVAs ERSTGEBURT / EVE’S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING (Act 1 of MONDAY from LIGHT), 3 sopranos, 3 tenors, bass / actor / choir (tape or live [cond.]: depicted on stage by 21 actresses) / children’s choir / modern orchestra (3 synthesizer players, 1 perc., tape) / sound proj. (1987)
- EVAs ZWEITGEBURT / EVE’S SECOND BIRTH-GIVING (Act 2 of MONDAY from LIGHT), 7 solo boy singers / basset-horn, 3 basset-teases / piano / choir (tape or live: depicted on stage by 21 actresses) / girls’ choir / modern orchestra (3 synthesizer players, 1 perc., tape) / sound proj. (1984/87)
- EVAs ZAUBER / EVE’S MAGIC(Act 3 of MONDAY from LIGHT), basset-horn, alto flute with piccolo flute / choir (cond.), children’s choir / modern orchestra (3 synthesizer players, 1 perc., tape) / sound proj. (1984-86)
- MONTAGS-ABSCHIED (EVA-ABSCHIED) / MONDAY FAREWELL (EVE FAREWELL), piccolo flute, multiple soprano voice and elec. keyboard instruments (tape) / sound proj. (1986/88)
- Xi, for a melody instrument with microtones (1986)
- Xi, for a melody instrument with microtones Version for basset-horn / sound proj. (1986)
- Xi, for a melody instrument with microtones Version for alto flute or flute / sound proj. (1986)
- LUZIFERs ZORN / LUCIFER’s FURY (from EVE’S First birth-giving), bass, actor, synthesizer player, tape/sound proj. (1987)
- GEBURTS-FEST (FESTIVAL OF BIRTH), choir music with sound scenes of MONDAY from LIGHT Version of EVE’S FIRST BIRTH-GIVING for a cappella choir and tape (cond.) / sound proj. (1987)
- FLAUTINA, solo for flute with piccolo and alto flute / sound proj. (1989)
- A cappella version of MÄDCHENPROZESSION (GIRLS’ PROCESSION) for girls’ choir (or women’s choir) a cappella and piano / sound proj. (1984/87)
- THE 7 SONGS OF THE DAYS, voice (also child’s voice) or voice and chordal instrument or for melody instrument or melody instrument and chordal instrument in the original register and higher register (1986)
- WOCHENKREIS / CIRCLE OF THE WEEK (from EVE’S SECOND BIRTH-GIVING), duet for basset-horn and synthesizer player / sound proj. (1986/88)
- AVE (from EVE’S MAGIC), basset-horn and alto flute / sound proj. (1984/85)
- EVAs SPIEGEL / EVE’S MIRROR (from EVE’S MAGIC), basset-horn (1984)
- SUSANI (from EVE’S MAGIC), basset-horn (1984)
- SUSANI'S ECHO (from EVE’S MAGIC), alto flute (1985)
- DER KINDERFÄNGER / THE PIED PIPER (from EVE’S MAGIC), alto flute with piccolo, 2 synthesizer players, a percussionist, tape, sound proj. (1986)
- ENTFÜHRUNG / ABDUCTION (from EVE’S MAGIC), solo for piccolo flute; also version for soprano saxophone and electronic and concrete music or as solo for soprano saxophone (1986)
- YPSILON, a melody instrument with microtones/sound proj.; also version for flute/sound proj. or for basset-horn/sound proj. (1989)
WILLKOMMEN (WELCOME), trumpets, trombones, 2 synthesizer players (1988)
SUKAT, alto flute and basset-horn (1989)
DIENSTAG aus LICHT (TUESDAY from LIGHT), opera in a greeting and two acts with farewell for 17 musical performers (3 solo voices, 10 solo instrumentalists, 4 dancer-mimes), actors, mimes, choir, modern orchestra, and tapes /sound proj. (1977/87-91)
- DIENSTAGS-GRUSS / TUESDAY GREETING (WELCOME with PEACE GREETING), soprano / 9 trumpets, 9 trombones, 2 synthesizer players / choir, conductor and co-conductor (1987/88)
- JAHRESLAUF vom DIENSTAG /COURSE OF THE YEARS from TUESDAY (Act 1 of TUESDAY from Light), tenor, bass / 4 dancer-mimes / an actor-singer, 3 mimes, little girl, beautiful woman / modern orchestra (14 instr.), tape / sound proj. or as quasi concert performance for tenor, bass / modern orchestra (14 instr.), tape / sound proj. (1977/91)
- INVASION – EXPLOSION mit ABSCHIED / INVASION – EXPLOSION with FAREWELL (Act 2 of TUESDAY from LICHT), solo soprano, tenor, bass / 3 trumpets (1st also plays flugelhorn), 3 trombones, 2 synthesizer players with 2 assistants, 2 percussionists with 2 assistants / 6 tutti trumpets and 6 tutti trombones (ad lib.) / choir (cond.) / 8-track tape (octophonic electronic music) / sound proj. (1990/91)
- OKTOPHONIE / OCTOPHONY, electronic music of TUESDAY from LIGHT / sound proj. (1990/91)
- DER JAHRESLAUF (THE COURSE OF THE YEARS), orchestra, tape / sound proj. (1977)
- PICCOLO (from COURSE OF THE YEARS), solo for piccolo flute (1977)
- SAXOPHONE (from COURSE of the YEARS), soprano saxophone and bongo or as solo for soprano saxophone (1977)
PIETÀ, flugelhorn, soprano and electronic music/sound proj. or flugelhorn and electronic music/sound proj. (1990/91)
DIENSTAGS-ABSCHIED (TUESDAY FAREWELL), choir (cond.), a player of electronic keyboard instruments, electronic music / sound proj. (1991)
SYNTHI-FOU (PIANO PIECE XV), electronic keyboard instruments and elec. music/sound proj. (1991)
FREIA, flute or basset-horn (1991)
SIGNALE zur INVASION (SIGNALS to INVASION), trombone and electronic music / sound proj. or as trombone solo (1992)
FREITAG aus LICHT (FRIDAY from LIGHT), opera in a greeting, two acts and a farewell, for 5 musical performers (soprano, baritone, bass, flute, basset-horn), 12 couples of dancer-mimes, children’s orchestra, children’s choir, 12 choir singers /a synthesizer player /electronic music with sound scenes / sound projectionist (1991-94)
- FREITAG-VERSUCHUNG (FRIDAY TEMPTATION), 5 musical performers (soprano, baritone, bass, flute, basset-horn) / children’s orchestra, children’s choir, 12 choir singers / a synthesizer player / 12 couples of dancer-mimes (ad lib. in concert performances) / electronic music with sound scenes (24-track tape) / sound proj. (1991-94)
- ANTRAG (PROPOSAL) 1st real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT, soprano, bass, flute, basset-horn, electronic music, sound proj. (1994)
- CHILDREN’S ORCHESTRA – CHILDREN’S CHOIR – CHILDREN’S TUTTI 2nd, 3rd and 4th real scenes of FRIDAY from LIGHT (1994); KINDER-ORCHESTER (CHILDREN’S ORCHESTRA) (for example 16 instruments) and soprano, flute, basset-horn, a synthesizer player, electronic music, sound proj. (1994); KINDER-CHOR (CHILDREN’S CHOIR) (for example 24 voices) and bass, a synthesizer player, electronic music, sound proj. (1994); KINDER-TUTTI (CHILDREN’S TUTTI), children’s orchestra, children’s choir, soprano, bass, flute, basset-horn, a synthesizer player, electronic music, sound proj. (1994)
- ZUSTIMMUNG (CONSENT) 5th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT, soprano, bass, flute, basset-horn, electronic music, sound proj. (1994)
- FALL 6th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT, soprano, baritone, flute, basset-horn, electronic music, sound proj. (1994)
- KINDER-KRIEG (CHILDREN’S WAR) 7th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT, children’s choir, synthesizer, possibly basset-horn, electronic music, sound proj. (1994)
- REUE (REPENTANCE) 8th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT, soprano, flute, basset-horn, electronic music, sound proj. (1994)
- ELUFA 9th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT, basset-horn, flute / sound proj. (1991)
- CHOR-SPIRALE (CHOIR SPIRAL) 10th real scene of FRIDAY from LIGHT, 12 choir singers (3 S, 3 A, 6 B) / electronic music ad lib. / sound proj. (1994)
KLAVIERSTÜCK XVI (PIANO PIECE XVI), tape, stringed piano, electronic keyboard instruments ad lib. / sound proj.; also for synthesizer and stringed piano with tape (1995)
TRUMPETENT, 4 trumpeters/sound proj. (1995)
MITTWOCH aus LICHT (WEDNESDAY from LIGHT), opera in a greeting, four scenes and farewell for 9 musical performers (flute, basset-horn, trumpet, trombone, string quartet, bass with short-wave receiver), choir with singing conductor, orchestra (13 instrumentalists when staged) /a synthesizer player / 2 dancer-mimes / electronic music (tapes) / sound projectionist (1995-97)
- WELT-PARLAMENT / WORLD PARLIAMENT (1st scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT), choir a cappella (with singing cond.) / sound proj. (1995)
- ORCHESTER-FINALISTEN / ORCHESTRA FINALISTS (2nd scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT), orchestra, electronic music / sound proj. (1995/96)
- OBOE from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, oboe and electronic music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- VIOLONCELLO from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, cello and elec. music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- CLARINET from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, clarinet and elec. music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- BASSOON from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, bsn and electronic music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- VIOLIN from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, violin and electronic music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- TUBA from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, tuba and electronic music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- FLUTE from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, flute and electronic music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- TROMBONE from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, tromb. and elec. music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- VIOLA from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, viola and electronic music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- TRUMPET from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, trpt and elec. music/sound proj. (1995/96)
- DOUBLE BASS from ORCHESTRA FINALISTS, double bass, a percussionist and electronic music / sound proj. (1995/96)
- HELIKOPTER-STREICHQUARTETT / HELICOPTER STRING QUARTET (3rd scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT), string quartet / 4 helicopters with pilots and 4 sound technicians / 4 television transmitters, 4 x 3 sound transmitters / auditorium with 4 columns of televisions and 4 columns of loudspeakers / sound projectionist with mixing console / moderator (ad lib.) (1992/93)
- MICHAELION (4th scene of WEDNESDAY from LIGHT) PRESIDENCY – LUCICAMEL – OPERATOR, choir / bass with short-wave receiver / flute, basset-horn, trumpet, trombone / a synthesizer player, tape / 2 dancers / sound proj. (1997)
- LICHT-RUF (CALL from LIGHT), trumpet, basset-horn, trombone or other instruments (1995)
- BASSETSU-TRIO, basset-horn, trumpet and trombone / sound proj. (1997)
- BASSETSU (from WEDNESDAY from LIGHT), basset-horn (1997)
THINKI, flute (1997)
ROTARY, woodwind quintet (1997)
LITANEI 97, choir and conductor (1997)
KOMET (COMET) as PIANO PIECE XVII for electronic piano, electronic and concrete music, sound projectionist; also version for a percussionist, electronic andconcrete music, sound projectionist (1994/99)
3x REFRAIN 2000, piano with 3 wood blocks, sampler-celesta with 3 antique cymbals, vibraphone with 3 cowbells and glockenspiel, sound projectionist (2000)
STOP and START, 6 instrumental groups (2001)
EUROPA-GRUSS (EUROPE GREETING), winds and synthesizers (ad lib.) (1992/2002)
SONNTAGS-ABSCHIED / SUNDAY FAREWELL Electronic Music (5 synthesizer) (2002)
STRAHLEN (RAYS) for a percussionist and 10-track tape (2002)
SONNTAG aus LICHT / SUNDAY from LIGHT, opera in six scenes and a farewell for 10 vocal soloists, boy’s voice, four instrumental soloists, two choirs, two orchestras, electronic music, sound projectionist (1998-2003)
- LICHTER – WASSER (SONNTAGS-GRUSS) LIGHTS – WATERS (SUNDAY GREETING), soprano, tenor and orchestra with synthesizer / sound proj. (1998/99)
- ENGEL-PROZESSIONEN (ANGEL PROCESSIONS) (2nd scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT), choir a cappella (2000)
- LICHT-BILDER (LIGHT-PICTURES) (3rd scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT), basset-horn, flute with ring-modulation, tenor, trumpet with ring-modulation, synthesizer, sound projectionist (2002)
- DÜFTE – ZEICHEN (SCENTS – SIGNS) (4th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT), 7 vocalists, boy’s voice, synthesizer / sound proj. (2002)
- CUCHULAINN (from SCENTS – SIGNS), soprano with synthesizer (2002)
- KYPHI (from SCENTS – SIGNS), tenor and bass with synthesizer (2002)
- MASTIX / MASTIC (from SCENTS – SIGNS), soprano, tenor and baritone with synthesizer (2002)
- ROSA MYSTICA (from SCENTS – SIGNS), tenor with synthesizer (2002)
- TATE YUNANAKA (from SCENTS – SIGNS), soprano and baritone with synthesizer (2002)
- UD (from SCENTS – SIGNS), bass with synthesizer (2002)
- WEIHRAUCH / FRANKINCENSE (from SCENTS – SIGNS), soprano and tenor with synthesizer (2002)
- KNABEN-DUFT / BOY SCENT (from SCENTS – SIGNS), solo for alto with synthesizer and 6 vocalists (live or on tape) (2002)
- HIMMELS-DUFT / HEAVEN’S SCENT (from SCENTS – SIGNS), duet for alto and boy with synthesizer and 6 vocalists (live or on tape) (2002)
- HOCH-ZEITEN (HIGH-TIMES) (5th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT), choir and orchestra, 2 sound proj. (2001/02)
- HOCH-ZEITEN (5th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT), choir (2001/02)
- HOCH-ZEITEN / HIGH-TIMES for orchestra (5th scene of SUNDAY from LIGHT) (2001/02)
MIXTUR 2003, 5 instrumental groups, 4 sine-wave generator players, 4 sound mixers with 4 ring modulators, sound projectionist (2003)
VIBRA-ELUFA, vibraphone (2003)
QUITT / EVEN, 3 players (2003)
KLANG / SOUND (2003)
- FREUDE / JOY, 2nd Hour from KLANG / SOUND - The 24 Hours of the Day, 2 harps (2003)
- HIMMELS-TÜR / HEAVEN'S DOOR, 4th Hour from KLANG / SOUND - The 24 Hours of the Day, for a percussionist and a little girl (2003)
WORKS BY GENRE Stockhausen Links ~ top of page ~
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Soloist(s) w/Orchestra
Chorus w/Orchestra
Solo Instrument
STOCKHAUSEN LINKS Works by Genre ~ top of page ~
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Art, Terror and Stockhausen (Paul Neimann, Andante.com)
At NEC, Six Hours of Stockhausen (Matthew Guerrieri, The Boston Globe)
Documentation of Stockhausen's comments re: 9/11
German Composer Stockhausen Dead at 79 (AFP)
Karlheinz Stockhausen (Paul McEnery, Salon)
Karlheinz Stockhausen, Influential Composer, Dies at 79 (Paul Griffiths, The New York Times)
Karlheinz Stockhausen Obituary (TimesOnline)
Karlheinz Stockhausen's Influence on Today's Electronic Music (Holger Czukay, Perfect Sound Forever)
Revisiting Stockhausen (Alex Ross, The Rest is Noise)
Sharps & Flats: Stockhausen's Helicopter String Quartet ... (Andy Battaglia, Salon)
Stockhausen Gets a Second Wind (Norman Lebrecht, La Scena Musicale)
Stockhausen: Hymnen Introduction
Composer's website
The Unofficial Karlheinz Stockhausen Website (website by Bernard G. Pulham)
The Stockhausen Society
Stockhausen @ Wikipedia
Stockhausen @ Answers.com
Stockhausen @ ARTSaha!
Stockhausen @ Classic Cat
Stockhausen @ Classical Archives
Stockhausen @ Classical Composers Database
Stockhausen @ Classical Masterpieces
Stockhausen @ Classical Music Pages
Stockhausen @ Classical Net
Stockhausen @ composition:today
Stockhausen @ Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers
Stockhausen @ fUSION Anomaly
Stockhausen @ IMDb (Internet Movie Database)
Stockhausen @ Karadar Classical Music
Stockhausen @ Medieval Music & Arts Foundation
Stockhausen @ Music Academy Online
Stockhausen @ MusicWeb International
Stockhausen @ musicianguide.com
Stockhausen @ MySpaceMusic
Stockhausen @ NationMaster
Stockhausen @ Naxos
Stockhausen @ New Albion Records
Stockhausen @ The New York Times
Stockhausen @ NPRmusic
Stockhausen @ REC Music Foundation /The Lied and Art Song Texts Page
Stockhausen @ Zakros
Streaming Audio
Stockhausen @ Classical Masterpieces
Stockhausen @ Classical Archives
Stockhausen @ last.fm
Stockhausen @ MySpaceMusic
Stockhausen @ NPRmusic
Stockhausen @ PRX (Public Radio Exchange)
Stockhausen @ Rhapsody
Stockhausen @ ArkivMusic
Stockhausen @ ClassicsOnline
Stockhausen @ Discogs
Stockhausen @ The Recordings of Stockhausen
Stockhausen @ YouTube
Stockhausen on Stockhausen: Interview
Stockhausen on Stockhausen: Lecture to the Oxford Union, May 1972 - On "Sounds"