John Psathas (1966- )

COMPOSITIONS Psathas Links ~ ~ ~ Works by Genre ~ ~ ~ Psathas on Psathas
Waiting for the Aeroplane, piano (1988-90)
Shocked Awake, piano (1991)
Matre’s Dance, percussion and piano (1991-94)
Zeal, piano duo (1992)
Percussion Concerto, 4 percussion soli and orchestra (1992-2001? - rev.)
Drum Dances, drum kit and piano (1993)
Rhythm Spike, piano (1994)
Overture, brass and percussion (1994)
Baw My Barne, solo voices or chorus (1995)
Calenture, electric guitar and 2 pianos (1995)
Island Songs, clarinet, cello and piano (1995)
Stream 3, large chamber ensemble (1996)
Abhisheka, string quartet (1996) [used for ballet by Royal New Zealand Ballet, 2004]
Island Songs: Piano Trio (1996)
Happy Tachyons, marimba, vibraphone and piano (1996)
Nocturnes, sax quartet and percussion (1997)
Te Papa Fanfare, brass and percussion (1997) [arr. by Lloydd, brass band, 2002]
Motet, piano duet (1997)
Stream 3.3, chamber ensemble and digital audio playback (1998)
Manurewa Fanfare, wind orchestra (1998)
Seikilos, orchestra (1998)
Spike, marimba, vibraphone and piano (1998)
Luminous, orchestra (1999)
Jettatura, piano (1999)
Terra, chamber ensemble (1999)
Saxon, brass band (1999)
Piano Quintet, piano and string quartet (2000)
Omnifenix, tenor sax, drum kit and orchestra (2000)
Fragment, piano duet (2001)
View from Olympus, double concerto, percussion, piano and orchestra (2001)
Psyzygysm, percussion and chamber ensemble (2001)
Fragment, vibraphone and piano (2001) [percussion version]
Orpheus in Rarohenga, soprano, tenor, baritone, chorus and orchestra (2002)
Three Psalms, piano, percussion, harp and string orchestra (2003)
Zeibekiko, wind ensemble (2003)
Mal Occhio, chamber ensemble (2003)
Kartsigar, string quartet (2004)
Mayors’ Exit, orchestra (2004)
Pyros I, chorus and orchestra (2004)
Torch Journey Around the World, orchestra (2004) [ Debussy: Le Roi Lear]
Fanfare for Oaths II, brass and percussion (2004)
Fanfare for Oaths I, brass, percussion and string orchestra (2004)
Fanfare for Speeches (opening), orchestra (2004)
Walk of the Presidents, brass, percussion and string orchestra (2004)
Fanfare for IOC and ATHOC Presidents, brass, percussion and string orchestra (2004)
Zahara, saxophone (soprano/tenor) and orchestra (2005)
Ukiyo, vibraphone, marimba and digital audio playback (2005)
One Study One Summary, marimba, junk percussion and digital audio playback (2005)
Helix, piano trio (2006)
Sleeper, piano (2007)
Planet Damnation, timpani and orchestra (2007)
Abhisheka: String Orchestra (2008) [choreographed as a ballet by Adrian Burnett]
Four Ancient Greek Songs, large chamber ensemble (2008)
A Cool Wind, string quartet (2008)
Djinn, concerto for marimba, strings, percussion and harp (2009)
Waiting Still, piano and gamelan musician (2009)
View from Olympus, documentary film score (2011)
Good for Nothing, film score (2011)
White Lies, film score (2013)
WORKS BY GENRE Psathas Links ~ ~ ~ Psathas on Psathas ~ top of page ~
Abhisheka, ballet (2004) [based on original work for string quartet, 1996]
Overture, brass and percussion (1994)
Manurewa Fanfare, wind orchestra (1998)
Seikilos, orchestra (1998)
Luminous, orchestra (1999)
Mayors’ Exit, orchestra (2004) [for 2004 Olympics]
Torch Journey Around the World, orchestra (2004) [Debussy: Le Roi Lear]
Fanfare for Oaths II, brass and percussion (2004)
Fanfare for Oaths I, brass, percussion and string orchestra (2004)
Fanfare for Speeches (opening), orchestra (2004)
Walk of the Presidents, brass, percussion and string orchestra (2004)
Fanfare for IOC and ATHOC Presidents, brass, percussion and string orchestra (2004)
Abhisheka: String Orchestra (2008) [choreographed as a ballet by Adrian Burnett]
Te Papa Fanfare, brass and percussion (1997) [arr. by Lloydd, brass band, 2002]
Saxon, brass band (1999)
Zeibekiko, wind ensemble (2003)
Soloist(s) w/Orchestra
Manurewa Fanfare, wind orchestra (1998)
Percussion Concerto, 4 percussion soli and orchestra (1992-2001? - rev.)
Omnifenix, tenor sax, drum kit and orchestra (2000)
View from Olympus, double concerto, percussion, piano and orchestra (2001)
Psyzygysm, percussion and chamber ensemble (2001)
Three Psalms, piano, percussion, harp and string orchestra (2003)
Zahara, saxophone (soprano/tenor) and orchestra (2005)
Planet Damnation, timpani and orchestra (2007)
Djinn, concerto for marimba, strings, percussion and harp (2009)
Chorus w/Orchestra
Orpheus in Rarohenga, soprano, tenor, baritone, chorus and orchestra (2002)
Pyros I, chorus and orchestra (2004)
Baw My Barne, solo voices or chorus (1995)
Large Ensemble
Overture, brass and percussion (1994)
Stream 3, large chamber ensemble (1996)
Te Papa Fanfare, brass and percussion (1997) [arr. by Lloydd, brass band, 2002]
Stream 3.3, chamber ensemble and digital audio playback (1998)
Terra, chamber ensemble (1999)
Psyzygysm, percussion and chamber ensemble (2001)
Mal Occhio, chamber ensemble (2003)
Fanfare for Oaths II, brass and percussion (2004)
Four Ancient Greek Songs, large chamber ensemble (2008)
Matre’s Dance, percussion and piano (1991-94)
Drum Dances, drum kit and piano (1993)
Calenture, electric guitar and 2 pianos (1995)
Island Songs, clarinet, cello and piano (1995)
Abhisheka, string quartet (1996) [used for ballet by Royal New Zealand Ballet, 2004]
Island Songs: Piano Trio (1996)
Happy Tachyons, marimba, vibraphone and piano (1996)
Nocturnes, sax quartet and percussion (1997)
Spike, marimba, vibraphone and piano (1998)
Piano Quintet, piano and string quartet (2000)
Fragment, vibraphone and piano (2001) [percussion version of piano work]
Kartsigar, string quartet (2004)
Ukiyo, vibraphone, marimba and digital audio playback (2005)
One Study One Summary, marimba, junk percussion and digital audio playback (2005)
Helix, piano trio (2006)
A Cool Wind, string quartet (2008)
Waiting Still, piano and gamelan musician (2009)
Waiting for the Aeroplane, piano (1988-90)
Shocked Awake, piano (1991)
Matre’s Dance, percussion and piano (1991-94)
Zeal, piano duo (1992)
Drum Dances, drum kit and piano (1993)
Rhythm Spike, piano (1994)
Motet, piano duet (1997)
Jettatura, piano (1999)
Fragment, piano duet (2001)
Sleeper, piano (2007)
Waiting Still, piano and gamelan musician (2009)
Baw My Barne, solo voices or chorus (1995)
View from Olympus, documentary film score (2011)
Good for Nothing, film score (2011)
White Lies, film score (2013)
Stream 3.3, chamber ensemble and digital audio playback (1998)
Ukiyo, vibraphone, marimba and digital audio playback (2005)
One Study One Summary, marimba, junk percussion and digital audio playback (2005)
PSATHAS LINKS Works by Genre ~ ~ ~ Psathas on Psathas ~ top of page ~
Is it Time to Declare John Psathas a Genius? (Ian Dando, New Zealand Listener)
John Psathas (Stephen Gibbs, New Zealand Musician)
John Psathas (Alan Wells, Salient)
John Psathas' Olympiad XXVIII ... (New Zealanders in Greece/Griwis)
Olympian Feats (Rod Biss, New Zealand Listener)
Composer's website . . . contact John Psathas: here
Psathas @ Twitter
Psathas @ Wikipedia
Psathas @ Amplifier NZ Music
Psathas @ The Art of Film Memory
Psathas @ Arts Foundation of New Zealand
Psathas @ Auckland Chamber Orchestra
Psathas @ Audiophile Audition (via Google Advanced Search)
Psathas @ Classical Archives
Psathas @ composition:today
Psathas @ DePaul University
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Psathas @ The New York Times
Psathas @ New Zealand Herald
Psathas @ New Zealand Music Commission
Psathas @ New Zealand School of Music
Psathas @ Percussion Music Online (via Google Advanced Search)
Psathas @ Promethean Editions
Psathas @ Rattle Records
Psathas @ Royal New Zealand Ballet
Psathas @ SOUNZ/Centre for New Zealand Music
Psathas @ Promethean Editions
Streaming Audio
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Psathas @ YouTube also here
Psathas @ Google Video
Psathas @ Vimeo (via Google Advanced Search)
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Psathas on Psathas: On Talk Talk (VIDEO)
Psathas on Psathas: Psathas Talks About Recent Booktrack (The Arts Foundation)(VIDEO)

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