Gian Carlo Menotti (1911-2007)

- Stephen Eddins, All Music Guide
COMPOSITIONS Menotti Links ~ ~ ~ Works by Genre ~ ~ ~ Menotti on Menotti
The Death of Pierrot, opera (1922)
The Little Mermaid, opera (libretto by Don Rimoldi, after Hans Christian Andersen (1923, lost)
Variations on a Theme of Schumann, piano (1930, unpublished?)
Arrangement of Bach's Works for Carillon (1931)
Improvisation for Carillon (1931; fp. 15 Dec 1931, The Singing Tower, Lake Wales, Florida, unpublished?)
Intermezzo for Carillon (1931; later incorporated into "Six Compositions for Carillon")
Variations and Fugue, string quartet (1932)
Pastorale and Dance, piano and string orchestra (1933) [1934?]
Six Compositions for Carillon (1931; fp 1934)
Italian Dance, string quartet (1935)
Four Pieces, string quarte (1936) [?contains " Variations and Fugue" and "Italian Dance"?]
Trio for a Housewarming Party, flute, cello and piano (1936)
Amelia al ballo (Amelia Goes to the Ball), opera buffa in one act (1936; fp. 1937)
Poemetti (12 pieces), piano (1937) ["per Maria Rosa"] [for young performers]
The Old Maid and the Thief, radio opera buffa in fourteen scenes (1939)
Ilo e Zeus (The Island God), tragic opera in one act (1942)
- Two Interludes from "The Island God", orchestra (1942)
[The Catalogue, terzetto with libretto from the Curtis Instutite of Music, 1943-44 (1943)]???
A Copy of Madame Aupic, nonmusical play (1943)
Sebastian, ballet (1944; Suite, 1945)
Concerto in F for Piano and Orchestra (1945)
The Medium, tragic opera in two acts (1945; fp. 1946)
The Telephone, or L'amour à trios, comic opera in one act (1946; fp. 1947)
Errand Into the Maze, ballet/dance piece (1947) [choreography by Martha Graham]
The Bridge, unproduced screenplay (1947)
A Happy Ending, or The Beautiful Snowfall, unproduced screenplay (1947)
[Á l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs, ballet from Proust's “Within a Budding Grove” (1947, never staged)]???
Irene and the Gypsies, unwritten opera (1949) [for NBC; this commission would eventually produce "Amahl...", 1951]
The Consul, musical drama in three acts (1949; fp. 1950) [winner of the Pulitzer Prize, 1950]
A Little Cancrizan for Mary, 3 voices and piano (1950) [comic song based on "Happy Birthday to You"]
Apocalisse (Apocalypse), symphonic poem, orchestra (1951)
Ricercare and Toccata on a Theme from "The Old Maid and the Thief", piano (1951)
Amahl and the Night Visitors, television opera in one act (1951) [commissioned by NBC & first broadcast live on Dec. 24, 1951]
- Introduction, March and Shepherds' Dance, from "Amahl and the Night Visitors", orchestra (1951)
The Hero, voice and piano (1952) [text: Robert Horan]
Concerto in A Minor for Violin and Orchestra (1952)
The Saint of Bleecker Street, music drama in three acts (1954) [winner of the Pulitzer Prize, 1955]
Ricercare su nove toni, piano (1956, unpublished?) [for French (Polish born) mezzo-soprano Marya Freund on her 80th birthday]
The Unicorn, The Gorgon and the Manticore: or Three Sundays of a Poet, madrigal ballet/fable, chorus, dancers & 9 instrs (1956)
Vanessa, four act opera libretto (1958) [ for Samuel Barber]
Maria Golovin, musical drama in three acts (1958)
Le Poète et sa muse, incidental music, strings, piano and percussion (1959)
A Hand of Bridge, one act opera libretto for Samuel Barber (1959)
Album Leaves (pseudonymous sketches/short theatre pieces for early Spoleto festivals, 1959-1962)
Introductions and Goodbyes, libretto for miniature opera (1960) [music by Lukas Foss]
A Chance for Aleko, unproduced teleplay for "The Robert Herridge Theatre" (1961)
Canti della lontananza, song cycle (7 songs), soprano and piano (1961; fp 1967) [text: G.C. Menotti]
The Death of the Bishop of Brindisi, cantata, mezzo-soprano, bass, chorus, children's chorus and orchestra (1963)
Labyrinth, An Operatic Riddle in One Act, television opera (1963)
Le Dernier sauvage (L'Ultimo selvaggio/The Last Savage), comic opera in three acts (1963)
Martin's Lie, children's church opera in one act (1964)
Lewisohn Stadium Fanfare, brass, timpani, percussion and string orchestra (1965)
Médée, incidental music (1966) [for play by Jean Anouilh]
Romeo and Juliet, incidental music (1968) [for production by Mihalis Kakogiannis]
Help, Help, The Globolinks!, opera in one act for children and those who like children (1968)
Triple Concerto a tre, 9 soloists (pf, hp, perc; ob, cl, bn; vn, va, vc) and orchestra (1968; fp 1970)
The Leper, play in two acts (1970)
The Most Important Man, opera in three acts (1971)
La Donna immobile, unfinished opera buffa without music (1972) [improvised by Menotti during the summer of 1972]
Suite, 2 cellos and piano (1973)
Tamu-Tamu, or The Guests, chamber opera in two acts (1973)
The Days of the Shepherd, ballet in four seasons (1974)
Fantasia, cello and orchestra (1975)
Fanfare for Charleston, orchestra (1976) [for the opening of first Spoelto U.S.A. festival in Charleston, SC, May 25, 1976]
Landscapes and Remembrances, cantata in 9 movements, SATB soloists, chorus and orchestra (1976)
The Egg, An Operatic Riddle, children's church opera in one act (1976)
The Hero, comic opera in three acts (1976)
Symphony No. 1, A Minor, "The Halcyon", orchestra (1976)
Shadows, dance piece, harp and string quartet (1977) [for Martha Graham] [also known as "Cantilena e scherzo"]
The Trial of the Gypsy, children's opera/dramatic cantata in one act, 4 boy soloists, boys' chorus and piano, w/opt. perc (1978)
Lullaby for Alexander, pf (1978, unpub?) [fp at christening of godson, marquess of Douglas & Clydesdale, Lennoxlove, Scotland]
Miracles (8 pieces), boy's choir and chamber orchestra (1979) [musical miniatures based on poetry written by children]
Chip and His Dog, children's opera in one act, to be performed by children (1979)
Missa "O Pulchritudo" in Honarem Sancratissimi Cordo Jesus, soloists, chorus and orchestra (1979)
Juana, La Loca, opera in three acts (1979)
A Song of Hope - An Old Man's Soliloquy, baritone, chorus and orchestra (1980)
Five Songs, tenor and piano (1981/83) [text: G.C. Menotti] [nos. 1-4 date from 1981; no. 5 was written in 1983]
Moans, Groans, Cries Sighs (A Composer at Work), madrigal, 6 voice a capella chorus (1981)
A Bride from Pluto, children's opera/chamber opera in one act (1982)
The Boy Who Grew Too Fast, children's opera in one act (1982) ["for young people"]
Muero porqué no muero, cantata for St. Teresa of Avila [1571], cantata, soprano, chorus & orch (1982) [text: St. Teresa of Avila]
Nocturne, soprano, harp and string quartet (or string orch) (1982) [text: G.C. Menotti]
Concerto for Double Bass and Orchestra (1983)
Mass for the Contemporary English Liturgy, congregation, chorus and organ (1984) ["Mary's Mass"] [1985?]
[commissioned to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the founding of Maryland]
Ricercare, organ (1984)
Goya, opera in 3 acts (1986; rev. 1991)
My Christmas, male chorus, flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, harp and double bass (1987)
The Wedding (Giorno di nozze/The Marriage), comic opera in 2 acts (1988)
For the Death of Orpheus, tenor, chorus and orchestra (1990) ["Dirge for the Death of Orpheus"]
Oh llama de amor viva, cantata, baritone, chorus and orchestra (1991)
The Singing Child, children's opera in one act (1993) ["for young people"]
Gloria from "Mass for Peace", tenor, chorus and orchestra (1995)
Trio for Violin, Clarinet and Piano (1996)
Jacob's Prayer (from the book of Genesis), chorus and orchestra (1997)
Regina Caeli, chorus (1998)
WORKS BY GENRE Menotti Links ~ ~ ~ Menotti on Menotti ~ top of page ~
The Death of Pierrot, opera (1922)
The Little Mermaid, opera (libretto by Don Rimoldi, after Hans Christian Andersen (1923, lost)
Amelia al ballo (Amelia Goes to the Ball), opera buffa in one act (1936; fp. 1937)
The Old Maid and the Thief, radio opera buffa in fourteen scenes (1939)
Ilo e Zeus (The Island God), tragic opera in one act (1942)
The Catalogue, terzetto with libretto from the Curtis Instutite of Music, 1943-44 (1943)
The Medium, tragic opera in two acts (1945; fp. 1946)
The Telephone, or L'amour à trios, comic opera in one act (1946; fp. 1947)
Irene and the Gypsies, unwritten opera (1949) [for NBC; this commission would eventually produce "Amahl...", 1951]
The Consul, musical drama in three acts (1949; fp. 1950) [winner of the Pulitzer Prize, 1950]
Amahl and the Night Visitors, television opera in one act (1951) [commissioned by NBC & first broadcast live on Dec. 24, 1951]
The Saint of Bleecker Street, music drama in three acts (1954) [winner of the Pulitzer Prize, 1955]
Maria Golovin, musical drama in three acts (1958)
Labyrinth, An Operatic Riddle in One Act, television opera (1963)
Le Dernier sauvage (L'Ultimo selvaggio/The Last Savage), comic opera in three acts (1963)
Martin's Lie, children's church opera in one act (1964)
Help, Help, The Globolinks!, opera in one act for children and those who like children (1968)
The Most Important Man, opera in three acts (1971)
La Donna immobile, unfinished opera buffa without music (1972) [improvised by Menotti during the summer of 1972]
Tamu-Tamu, or The Guests, chamber opera in two acts (1973)
The Egg, An Operatic Riddle, children's church opera in one act (1976)
The Hero, comic opera in three acts (1976)
The Trial of the Gypsy, children's opera/dramatic cantata in one act, 4 boy soloists, boys' chorus and piano, w/opt. perc (1978)
Chip and His Dog, children's opera in one act, to be performed by children (1979)
Juana, La Loca, opera in three acts (1979)
A Bride from Pluto, children's opera/chamber opera in one act (1982)
The Boy Who Grew Too Fast, children's opera in one act (1982) ["for young people"]
Goya, opera in 3 acts (1986; rev. 1991)
The Wedding (Giorno di nozze/The Marriage), comic opera in 2 acts (1988)
The Singing Child, children's opera in one act (1993) ["for young people"]
Opera Libretti (for works by other composers) & other non-musical writings
A Copy of Madame Aupic, nonmusical comedy drama in three acts (1943)
The Bridge, unproduced screenplay (1947)
A Happy Ending, or The Beautiful Snowfall, unproduced screenplay (1947)
Vanessa, four act opera libretto (1958) [ for Samuel Barber]
A Hand of Bridge, one act opera libretto (1959) [for Samuel Barber]
Album Leaves (pseudonymous sketches/short theatre pieces for early Spoleto festivals, 1959-1962)
Introductions and Goodbyes, libretto for miniature opera (1960) [for Lukas Foss]
A Chance for Aleko, unproduced teleplay for "The Robert Herridge Theatre" (1961)
The Leper, play in two acts (1970)
Sebastian, ballet (1944; Suite, orchestra, 1945)
Errand Into the Maze, ballet/dance piece (1947) [choreography by Martha Graham]
[Á l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs, ballet from Proust's “Within a Budding Grove” (1947, never staged)]???
The Unicorn, The Gorgon and the Manticore: or Three Sundays of a Poet, madrigal ballet/fable, chorus, dancers & 9 instrs (1956)
- Introduction: There once lived
- Interlude I
- First Madrigal; Ev'ry Sunday
- Interlude II
- Second Madrigal: One Sunday
- Introduction & Third Madrigal
- Fourth Madrigal: Why are you sad
- Interlude III
- Fifth Madrigal: Behold the Gorgon
- Sixth Madrigal: And what is that
- Seventh Madrigal: Why are you sad
- Interlude IV
- Eighth Madrigal: Do not caress
- Ninth madrigal: And who is that
- Interlude V
- Tenth Madrigal: Why are you sad
- Interlude VI
- Eleventh Madrigal: Have you
- The March to the Castle
- Twelfth Madrigal: Oh foolish
The Days of the Shepherd, ballet in four seasons (1974)
Shadows, dance piece, harp and string quartet (1977) [for Martha Graham] [also known as "Cantilena e scherzo"]
Pastorale and Dance, piano and string orchestra (1933) [1934?]
Prelude from "Amelia al ballo", orchestra (1937)
Prelude from "The Old Maid and the Thief", orchestra (1939)
Two Interludes from "The Island God", orchestra (1942)
Suite from the ballet "Sebastian", orchestra (1945)
Lullaby, from "The Consul", chamber orchestra (1950)
Apocalisse (Apocalypse), symphonic poem, orchestra (1951)
Introduction, March and Shepherds' Dance, from "Amahl and the Night Visitors", orchestra (1951)
Lewisohn Stadium Fanfare, brass, timpani, percussion and string orchestra (1965)
Fanfare for Charleston, orchestra (1976) [for the opening of first Spoelto U.S.A. festival in Charleston, SC, May 25, 1976]
Symphony No. 1, A Minor, "The Halcyon", orchestra (1976)
Goya: Suite, orchestra (1986; arr. 1987) [from the opera]
Soloist(s) w/Orchestra
Concerto in F for Piano and Orchestra (1945)
Concerto in A Minor for Violin and Orchestra (1952)
Triple Concerto a tre, 9 soloists (pf, hp, perc; ob, cl, bn; vn, va, vc) and orchestra (1968; fp 1970)
Fantasia, cello and orchestra (1975)
Concerto for Double Bass and Orchestra (1983)
Chorus w/Orchestra
Shepherd's Chorus, chorus and orchestra (1951) [from "Amahl and the Night Visitors"]
The Death of the Bishop of Brindisi, cantata, mezzo-soprano, bass, chorus, children's chorus and orchestra (1963)
Landscapes and Remembrances, cantata in 9 movements, SATB soloists, chorus and orchestra (1976)
- Arrival in New York by sea
- The abandoned mansion (South Carolina)
- Parade in Texas
- Nocturne (Driving at night through the desert)
- A subway ride in Chicago
- Picnic by the Brandywine
- An imaginary trip through Wisconsin
- Farewell at a train station in Vermont
- The sky of departure
Missa "O Pulchritudo" in Honarem Sancratissimi Cordo Jesus, soloists, chorus and orchestra (1979)
Miracles (8 pieces), boy's choir and chamber orchestra (1979) [musical miniatures based on poetry written by children]
A Song of Hope - An Old Man's Soliloquy, baritone, chorus and orchestra (1980)
Muero porqué no muero, cantata for St. Teresa of Avila [1571], cantata, soprano, chorus & orch (1982) [text: St. Teresa of Avila]
For the Death of Orpheus, tenor, chorus and orchestra (1990) ["Dirge for the Death of Orpheus"]
Oh llama de amor viva, cantata, baritone, chorus and orchestra (1991)
Gloria from "Mass for Peace", tenor, chorus and orchestra (1995)
Jacob's Prayer (from the Book of Genesis), chorus and orchestra (1997)
The Unicorn, The Gorgon and the Manticore: or Three Sundays of a Poet, madrigal ballet/fable, chorus, dancers & 9 instrs (1956)
- for details see "Ballet"
The Trial of the Gypsy, children's opera/dramatic cantata in one act, 4 boy soloists, boys' chorus and piano, w/opt. perc (1978)
Moans, Groans, Cries Sighs (A Composer at Work), madrigal, 6 voice a capella chorus (1981)
Mass for the Contemporary English Liturgy, congregation, chorus and organ (1984) ["Mary's Mass"] [1985?]
[commissioned to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the founding of Maryland]
My Christmas, male chorus, flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, harp and double bass (1987)
Regina Caeli, chorus (1998)
Variations and Fugue, string quartet (1932)
Italian Dance, string quartet (1935)
Four Pieces, string quartet (1936) [?contains " Variations and Fugue" and "Italian Dance"?]
Trio for a Housewarming Party, flute, cello and piano (1936)
Suite, 2 cellos and piano (1973)
Cantilena e scherzo, harp and string quartet (1977) [for Martha Graham as "Shadows", dance piece]
Trio for Violin, Clarinet and Piano (1996)
Piano, Carillon or Organ
Variations on a Theme of Schumann, piano (1930, unpublished?)
Arrangement of Bach's Works for Carillon (1931)
Improvisation for Carillon (1931; fp. 15 Dec 1931, The Singing Tower, Lake Wales, Florida, unpublished?)
Intermezzo for Carillon (1931; later incorporated into "Six Compositions for Carillon")
Six Compositions for Carillon (1931-32; fp 1934)
- Preludio
- Arabesque
- Dialogue
- Pastorale
- Canzone
- Etude [originally "Intermezzo", 1931]
Poemetti (12 pieces), piano (1937) ["per Maria Rosa"] [for young performers]
- Giga
- Lullaby (Ninna-Nanna)
- Bells at dawn (Alba festiva)
- The spinner (La filatrice)
- The bagpipers (I zampognari)
- The brook (Il ruscello)
- The shepherd (Il pastore)
- Nocturne (Notturno)
- The stranger's dance (Danza dello straniero)
- Winter wind (Vento invernale)
- The manger (Il presepio)
- War song (Canzone guerresca)
Ricercare and Toccata on a Theme from "The Old Maid and the Thief", piano (1951)
Ricercare su nove toni, piano (1956, unpublished?) [for French (Polish born) mezzo-soprano Marya Freund on her 80th birthday]
Lullaby for Alexander, pf (1978, unpub?) [fp at christening of godson, marquess of Douglas & Clydesdale, Lennoxlove, Scotland]
Ricercare, organ (1984)
Baba's Aria, contralto and piano (1945) [from "The Medium"]
The Black Swan, voice and piano (1945) [from "The Medium"]
Monica's Waltz, soprano and orchestra/or piano (1945) [from "The Medium"]
Lucy's Aria, soprano and orchestra/or piano (1947) [from "The Telephone"]
Magda's Aria (To This We've Come), soprano and orchestra/or piano (1950) [from "The Consul"]
The Empty Handed Traveler, voice and piano (1950) [from "The Consul"]
Lullaby, low voice and piano (1950) [from "The Consul"]
A Little Cancrizan for Mary, 3 voices and piano (1950) [comic song based on "Happy Birthday to You"] [text: ???]
The Hero, voice and piano (1952) [text: Robert Horan]
Canti della lontananza, song cycle (7 songs), soprano and piano (1961; fp 1967) [text: G.C. Menotti]
- Gli amanti impossibili
- Mattinata di neve
- Il settimo bicchiere di vino
- Lo spettro
- Dorme Pegaso
- La lettera
- Rassegnazione
A Song of Hope - An Old Man's Soliloquy, baritone, chorus and orchestra (1980) [text: ???]
Five Songs, tenor and piano (1981/83) [text: G.C. Menotti] [nos. 1-4 date from 1981; no. 5 was written in 1983]
- The Eternal Prisoner (1981)
- The Idle Gift (1981)
- The Longest Wait (1981)
- My Ghost (1981)
- The Swing (1983)
Nocturne, soprano, harp and string quartet (or string orch) (1982) [text: G.C. Menotti]
Le Poète et sa muse, incidental music, strings, piano and percussion (1959)
Médée, incidental music (1966) [for play by Jean Anouilh]
Romeo and Juliet, incidental music (1968) [for production by Mihalis Kakogiannis]
MENOTTI LINKS Works by Genre ~ ~ ~ Menotti on Menotti ~ top of page ~
Gian Carlo Menotti Dies at 95 (Matthew Westphal, Playbill)
Gian Carlo Menotti: In Scotland and Italy (Rampant Scotland Directory)
Gian Carlo Menotti: Spoleto and the Festival (Rampant Scotland Directory)
Gian Carlo Menotti - Obituary (John Francis Land,
Gian Carlo Menotti - Obituary (The Independent)
Gian Carlo Menotti - Obituary (
Gian Carlo Menotti, Opera Composer, Dies at 95 (Bernard Holland, The New York Times)
Gian Carlo Menotti - Three Conversations with Bruce Duffie (
Gian Carlo Menotti - numerous articles (Music & Vision)
Menotti's Hour - Labyrinth (Time Magazine)
Musical Narrative in 3 American 1-Act Operas w/Libretti by Gian Carlo Menotti (Elizabeth Lena Smith, Florida State Univ)
Opera Guide - The Medium, by Gian Carlo Menotti (Amelia Hill, Suite101)
Remembering Gian Carlo Menotti (NewMusicBox)
Spoleto's No Safari (Gian Carlo Menotti, Spoleto Festival)
TIME Magazine Cover (May 1, 1950)
Toward an American Opera, 1911-1954 (Patrick J. Smith, New World Records)
Gian Carlo Menotti: A Bio-Bibliography (Donald L. Hixon, Greenwood Pub Group,
Composer website (at G. Schirmer) . . . inquire about Gian Carlo Menotti: here
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Menotti on Menotti: A Composer's Life in Two Worlds (VIDEO)