François Bayle (1932- )
Electroacoustic innovator François Bayle was born in Tamatave, Madagascar. A a pupil of Stockhausen, Messiaen and Pousseur, in 1960 he joined the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM), studying under musique concrète pioneer Pierre Schaeffer while concurrently serving as a public relations assistant. By 1964, Bayle was named Director of the GRM, three years later completing his first major electronic composition, Espaces Inhabitables; his major breakthrough was the 1974 development of the Acousmonium, which consisted of 80 assorted loudspeakers designed for tape playback. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bayle grew increasingly prolific over time, and many of his later pieces are considered among his finest, notable for their evocative, even poetic, construction of sound. Beginning with 1980's Erosphere and continuing on with key works including 1983's Son Vitesse-Lumiere and the following year's Aeroformes, Bayle also began experimenting with computer technology, remaining on the cutting edge throughout his long career.- Jason Ankeny/AllMusic
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WORKS BY GENRE Bayle Links ~ top of page ~
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Cristal, 35 instruments, tape and sound projection (1977)
Soloist(s) w/Orchestra
Chorus w/Orchestra
Points critiques, piano, cello, horn and percussion (1960)
Échiquier, oboe, flute, trombone, tubular bells and claves (1960)
Ereignis, flute, violin, trombone, contrabass clarinet and 2 percussionists (1961)
L'Objet captif, 2 trumpets, 3 metal percussion and 3 wooden percussion (1962)
L'Archipel, string quartet and tape (1963)
Pluriel, 17 instruments and tape (1963)
Solo Instrument
Rebus, soprano, reciter, ondes martenot and percussion (1968)
L'Accent du secret, mezzo-soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano (1968)
Nadir, soprano, tenor, bass, bass clarinet, guitar, ondes martenot and percussion (1968)
Rumeurs, 12 voices and tape (1968)
Cantate profane, 5 voices and tape (1969)
Amiens, [????] (1969)
Lignes et points, short film score (1961)
Trois-Portraits-d'un-oiseau-qui-n'existe-pas, film score/music to abstract images by Robert Lapoujade (1963) [1962?]
- No.3, L'Oiseau chanteur [Bayle's first electroacoustic work]
- Trois portraits d’un Oiseau-Qui-N’existe-Pas, [electoacoustic] (1962)
Le récit de Rebecca, short film score (1964)
Fautrier I'engage, film score (1964) [film by Baraduc]
Galaxie, film score (1964) [film by Kamler]
Meurtre, film score (1964) [film by Kamler]
Tournoi, short film score (1965)
Portrait poeme de Leonore Fini, TV film score (1967) [film by J. E. Jeanneson]
La Belle Cerebrale, film score (1967) [film by (music to film by P. Foldes]
La belle cérébrale, short film score (1968)
Coeurs de secours, film score (1973) [film by Kamler]
Electro-acoustic (including ''Musique Acousmatique" for Acousmonium, an orchestra of loudspeakers, invented by Baylele)
Lignes et points, electroacoustic work (1966)
Espaces inhabitables, electroacoustic work (1967)
- jardins de rien
- géophonie
- hommage à Robur
- le bleu du ciel
- amertumes
Solitioude, electroacoustic work (1969) [from 4 LP set "Electronic Panorama", 1970] [sometime listed as "Solitude"]
Jeîta ou murmure des eaux 1969-70, electroacoustic work (1970)
- 17 movements
Trois Rêves d'oiseau, electroacoustic work (1972)
- l'oiseau moqueur [same as "l'oiseau chanteur", 1963]
- l'oiseau triste
- l'oiseau Zen [also used in "L'Experience Acoustique: uirapuru"]
L'Experience acoustique, electroacoustic work (1969-72)
- L'Aventure du cri
- 3 parts
- Le Langage des fleurs
- 4 parts
- La Preuve par le sens
- 5 parts
- L'Épreuve par le son
- transparence du Purgatoire
- La Philosophie du non
- énergie libre, énergie liée
Purgatoire, electroacoustic work (1972) [after "La Divine Comédie" de Dante]
- 11 parts
Exercice-sons, electroacoustic work (1973-74) [mvts 1-3, 1972-73; mvts 4-5, 1974]
Vibrations composees, electroacoustic work (1973) [1972-75]
- 9 parts
Paradis, electroacoustic work (1974) [collaboration with Bernard Parmegiani]
Electrucs, electroacoustic work (1974)
- 10 parts
La Grande Polyphonie, electroacoustic work (1974)
- 7 parts
Personnages et intervalles bleus, electroacoustic work (1976)
Camera Oscura, electroacoustic work (1976)
- 7 parts
Cristal, [electroacoustic work?] (1977)
Érosphère, electroacoustic work (1978-80)
- La Fin du bruit
- Tremblement de terre très doux
- 11parts
- Toupie dans le ciel
- Trois Éros: Éros bleu; Éros rouge; Éros noir
Camera Lucida, electroacoustic work (1979)
Son Vitesse-Lumière I & II, electroacoustic work (1980-83)
- Grandeur nature
- Paysage, personnage, nuage
- Voyage au centre de la tête
- Le Sommeil d'Euclide
- Lumière ralentie
Les Couleurs de la nuit, electroacoustic work (1982)
Aéroformes, electroacoustic work (1983)
Jeîta ou Horloge de sang, electroacoustic work (1985)
Motion-Émotion, electroacoustic work (1985)
Feux d'eau, electroacoustic work (1985)
Aer, electroacoustic work (1986) [partially derived from "Aéroformes", 1983]
- Aéroformes et aéromancies
- Faim, Peur, Amour
- Aurora
Théâtre d'Ombres, electroacoustic work (1988)
Mimaméta, electroacoustic work (1989)
Fabulae, electroacoustic work (1991)
- Fabula
- Onoma
- Nota
- Sonora
La main vide, electroacoustic work (1994-95)
- Bâton de pluie
- La Fleur future
- Inventions
Pierrre, electroacoustic work (1995)
Morceaux de Ciels, electroacoustic work (1996) [dedicated to Karheinz Stockhausen]
Arc ... ... En ciel, electroacoustic work (1997)
L'infini du bruit, electroacoustic work (1998) [shortened version of part I of "Érosphère", 1978-80]
Jeîta-retour, electroacoustic work (1999)
Arc, pour Gérard Grisey, electroacoustic work (1999)
La forme du temps est un cercle, electroacoustic work (2000-01)
- Concrescence
- Si loin, si proche ...
- Tempi
- Allures
- Cercles
La forme de l'esprit est un papillon, electroacoustic work (2002-04)
- Ombrages et trouées
- Couleurs inventées
Univers nerveux, electroacoustic work (2004-05)
Extra-Ordinaire, electroacoustic work (2004-05)
B pour A, electroacoustic work (2006)
L'Oreille étonnée, electroacoustic work (2006)
Vivaldho, electroacoustic work (2006)
Espace, etc ... , electroacoustic work (2007) [remix of earlier works; - see details]
Marpège, electroacoustic work (2007)
Scriptures, electroacoustic work (2008)
Jeîta-Eole, electroacoustic work (2008)
Petite Polyphonie au jardin, electroacoustic work (2008)
La fin du bruit (Erosphère 2), electroacoustic work (2009)
Rien n'est réel, electroacoustic work (2009-10)
- Sensations
- Perceptions
Deviner-devenir, electroacoustic work (2011)
BAYLE LINKS Works by Genre ~ top of page ~
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Groupe de Recherches Musicales (
Pierre Schaeffer, Musique concrete, and the Influences in the Compositional Practice of the 20th Century (Carlos Guedes)
Composer's website . . . inquire about François Bayle: here
Composer's website (focusing on current events)
Bayle @ Wikipedia
Bayle @ ANABlog
Bayle @
Bayle @ Arcane Candy
Bayle @ BBC Radio 3
Bayle @ CDeMusic
Bayle @ Digital Music Archives
Bayle @ ElectroCD (in French)
Bayle @ EMF Productions/Electronic Music Foundation
Bayle @ Facebook
Bayle @ IMDb (Internet Movie Database)
Bayle @ IRCAM (in French)
Bayle @ Mark Morris’s Guide to Twentieth Century Composers/MusicWeb International
Bayle @ Mutant Sounds
Bayle @ Phoebe Legere's Blog of the Holy Mystery
Bayle @ SMCQ/Société de musique contemporaine du Québec
Bayle @ Sonoloco Record Reviews
Bayle @ Composer/Association Magison
Streaming Audio
Bayle @ Composer's website
Bayle @
Bayle @ Composer's website
Bayle @ CDeMusic
Bayle @ Discogs
Bayle @ ElectroCD
Bayle @ YouTube
Bayle @ Google Video
Bayle @ Vimeo