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Tadeusz Baird (1928-1981)

Tadeusz Baird, composerBaird was a leader in the second wave of twentieth-century Polish composers prior to World War II: the first group starred Lutoslawski, Bacewicz, Rudzinski and Panufnik. Baird was joined five years later by Penderecki and Górecki, who -- despite their initial avant-gardism -- retrograded stylistically in the post-modern backlash: Penderecki into Reger mortis, Górecki into minimalism. Baird had three postwar epiphanies, but serialism came second, then neo-Romanticism in his late works. Despite Communist domination, the Polish thaw began earlier than elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Movie-star handsome Tadeusz Baird became an early activist in 1949 when he became a founding member of Group 49, although its purpose was not to break rules but to conform to socio-musical orthodoxy. By 1956, however, with a change of leadership in Warsaw, Poland's artistic gates opened, letting serialism in. In that same year, Baird and Sikorski founded Warsaw Autumn, a festival of contemporary music that quickly became one of Europe's most daring and enduring. In later interviews Baird insisted on "knowledge and respect for tradition . . . seeking effects and attention [only] leads to a 'pretended' avant-garde. Musical opinion [in 1981] calls me a 'romantic' and I admit to [it]. I do not belong with people who like to ruin and destroy."
-  Roger Dettmer, All Music

COMPOSITIONS                                                            Baird Links     ~ ~ ~     Works by Genre
Concerto grosso in the Old Style, D minor, chamber orchestra (1949)
Sinfonietta, orchestra (1949)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1949)
Sonatina I, piano (1949)
Sztuka mlodych, film score (1949)
Symphony No. 1, orchestra (1950)
Overture in the Old Style, small orchestra (1950)
Colas Breugnon, a suite in the old style, flute and string orchestra (1951)
Kierunek - Nowa Huta!, documentary film score (1951)
Zwycięska Droga, documentary film score (1951)
Giocosa Overture, orchestra (1952)
Symphony No. 2, "Sinfonia quasi una fantasia", orchestra (1951-52)
Sonatina II, piano (1952)
Little Suite for Children, piano (1952)
Three Songs to Old Italian Texts, soprano, 3 violas and cello (1952)
Concerto for Orchestra (1953)
Dwa kaprysy (Two Caprices), clarinet and piano (1953)
Lyrical Suite, four songs, soprano and orchestra (1953)
Dwie pieśni (Two Songs), chorus (1953)
Two Love Songs, soprano and piano (1953)
Ballada o żołnierskim kubku (Ballad about a Soldier's Cup), cantata, baritone, recitative voice, chorus and orchestra (1954)
Four Preludes, bassoon and piano (1954)
Balladyna, incidental music (1954)
Juliusz i Ethel, incidental music (1954)
Biegną wody potoku (Run the water pipe), chorus (1955)
Na warszawskim zlocie (At Warsaw's Gold), voice and piano (1955?)
Pięć piosenek dla dzieci do słów (Five Children's Songs), female voice and piano (1955)
Dziady A. Mickiewicza, incidental music (1955)
Warszawa w obrazach Canaletta (Warsaw in the Paintings of Canaletto), documentary film score (1955)
Pod jednym niebem, documentary film score (1955)
Cassazione per orchestra (1956)
Divertimento, flute, clarinet, oboe and bassoon (1956)
Four Love Sonnets (version I), baritone and orchestra (1956)
Romeo and Juliet, incidental music (1956)
Samotność (Loneliness), incidental music (1956)
String Quartet (1957) [also arr. for string orchestra]
Ludzie z martwej winnicy, incidental music (1957)
Imiona władzy, incidental music (1957)
Pętla (The Noose), film score (1957)
Legenda, film score (1957)
Four Essays, orchestra (1958)
Henry IV (Shakespeare), incidental music (1958)
Wizyta starszej pani, incidental music (1958)
Wesele (The Wedding), incidental music (1958)
Szkoda tej czarownicy na stos, incidental music (1958)
Dama Kameliowa (Dumas), TV incidental music (1958)
Espressioni Varianti (Expressions), violin and orchestra (1958-1959)
Egzorta (Exhortation/Sermon), reciting voice, mixed chorus and orchestra (1959)
A Midsummer Night's Dream, incidental music (1959)
Lilla Weneda, incidental music (1959)
The Crucible, incidental music (1959)
Romulus Wielki (Great Romulus), incidental music (1959)
Kamienne niebo (The Stone Sky/A Sky of Stone), film score (1959)
Lotna (Speed), film score (1959)
Egzorta (Sermon), narrator, mixed chorus and orchestra (1960)
The Devil and the Good Lord (Sarte), incidental music (1960)
Hamlet, incidental music (1960)
Richard III, incidental music (1960)
Rok pierwszy (Year One), film score (1960)
Erotyki (Erotics), six songs, soprano and orchestra (1960-1961)
Etude, vocal orchestra, percussion and piano (1961)
Sophocles' Oedipus the King, incidental music (1961)
The Marriage (Gogol), incidental music (1961)
Pan Pickwick w Tarapatach (Dickens), TV incidental music (1961)
Kwiecień (Spring/April), film score (1961)
Ludzie z pociągu (Night Train/Panic on a Train), film score (1961)
Prekolumbijska sztuka meksykańska (Precolumbian Mexican Art), documentary film score (1961)
Ogniomistrz Kaleń (The Artillery Sergeant Kalen/Burning Mountains), film score (1961)
Samson, film score (1961) [music based on Symphony No. 2, 1952]
Variations Without a Theme, orchestra (1961-1962)
All the King's Men, incidental music (1962)
Andorra, incidental music (1962)
Smok, incidental music (1962)
Hamlet, incidental music (1962)
Fizycy (The Physicists), incidental music (1962)
Polały się łzy (The Tears Flowed), TV incidental music (1962)
Między brzegami (Between Two Shores), film score (1962) [sometimes mistakenly listed as "Pomiedzy Brzegami"]
Spóźnieni przechodnie (Those Who Are Late), film score (1962)
Zerwany most (The Lost Bridge), film score (1962)
Eseje, documentary film score (1962)
Epiphany Music, orchestra (1963)
Troubadours' Songs, alto or mezzo-soprano, two flutes and cello (1963)
Dziewiąty sprawiedliwy (Ninth Fair), incidental music (1963)
Krucjata dziecięca (Children's Crusade) (Brecht), incidental music (1963)
Miłość Don Perlimplina Do Belisy w Jego Ogrodzie (Love of Don Perlimplín & Belisa in his Garden)(Lorca), TV incid. music (1963)
Ich dzień powszedni (Every Day), film score (1963)
Naganiacz (Manhunter), film score (1963)
Pasażerka (The Passenger), film score (1963)
Four Dialogs, oboe and chamber orchestra (1964)
Letnicy, incidental music (1964)
Czerwona róża dla mnie, incidental music (1964)
Don Juan czyli miłość do geometrii, incidental music (1964)
Wiele hałasu O Nic (Much Ado About Nothing), TV incidental music (1964)
Agnieszka 46 (Agnes 1946), film score (1964)
Drewniany Różaniec (The Wooden Rosary), film score (1964)
Nieznany (The Unknown), film score (1964)
Measure for Measure, incidental music (1965)
After the Fall, incidental music (1965)
Miłość Don Perlimplina do Belisy w jego ogrodzie, incidental music (1965
Urząd (The Office), incidental music (1965)
Stanisław i Bogumił, incidental music (1965)
The Castle (Kafka), incidental music (1965)
Wędrówki mistrza Kościeja, incidental music (1965)
Ondyna, incidental music (1965)
Na melinę, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Nazajutrz po wojnie, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Wózek, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Buty, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Córeczka, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Nad Odrą, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Bigos, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Instrumentum Mortis, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Człowiek z kwiatem w ustach (The Man with a Flower in His Mouth), TV film score (1965)
Miejsce dla jednego (Place [Room] for One), film score (1965)
Śmierć w środkowym pokoju, TV film score (1965)
Wizyta u królów (Visit at the Kings), TV film score (1965)
Four Songs, mezzo-soprano and chamber orchestra (1966)
Jutro (Tomorrow), musical drama in one act (1964-1966)
Pruski mur, incidental music (1966)
Trojanki, incidental music (1966)
Kordian, incidental music (1966)
Meteor, incidental music (1966)
Madame Bovary, incidental music (1966)
Powrót do Lizbony, TV incidental music (1966)
Warszawianka (The Song of Warsaw) (Andrzejewski J.), TV incidental music (1966)
Warszawianka (The Song of Warsaw) (Wyspianski S.), TV incidental music (1966)
Four Novelettes, chamber orchestra (1967)
Jarmark, incidental music (1967)
Mądremu biada, incidental music (1967) [also used for TV performance, 1968]
Anabaptyści, incidental music (1967)
Przeraźliwe łoże, TV film score (1967) [from series "Swiat Grozy" (Horror World), 1967]
Faktury, documentary film score (1967)
Szorstka Twórczość (Rugged Creativeness), documentaty film score (1967)
Zbrodnia lorda Artura Savile'a, TV film score (1967) [from series "Swiat Grozy" (Horror World), 1967]
Sinfonia breve, orchestra (1968)
Five Songs, mezzo-soprano and 16 instruments (1968)
Horsztyński, incidental music (1968)  [also used for TV performance, 1969]
Yerma (Lorca), TV incidental music (1968)
Kroniki królewskie, incidental music (1968)
Kiedy miłość była zbrodnią (Rassenschande: When Love Was a Crime), film score (1968)
Pozarowisko, TV film score (1968)
Symphony No. 3, orchestra (1969)
Four Love Sonnets (version II), baritone, strings and harpsichord (1969)
Klątwa, incidental music (1969)
Życie jest snem, incidental music (1969)
Hadrian VII, incidental music (1969)
Niespodzianka (Suprise), TV incidental music (1969)
Gniewko, syn rybaka, TV mini-series music (1969-70; unknown episodes)
Goethe Letters, cantata, baritone, mixed chorus and orchestra (1970)
Cymbelin (Shakespeare), incidental music (1970)
Marchołt gruby a sprośny, jego narodzin, życia i śmierci misterium tragikomiczne, incidental music (1970)
Play, string quartet (1971)
Julius Ceasar, incidental music (1971)
Kajus Cezar Kaligula, incidental music (1971)
Psychodrama, orchestra (1972)
Na dnie, incidental music (1972)
Elegia, orchestra (1973)
Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra (1972-1973)
Odprawa posłów greckich, incidental music (1974)
Kroniki królewskie, TV incidental music (1974)
Pejzaże Prowincjonalne (Provincial Landscapes), incidental music (1974)
Jutro, TV film score (1974)
Concerto lugubre, viola and orchestra (1975)
Scenes (Discussion, Dispute, Reconciliation), cello, harp and orchestra (1976-1977)
Variations in Rondo Form, string quartet (1978)
Życie Galileusza (The Life of Galileo) (Brecht), incidental music (1978)
Canzona, orchestra (1980)
Głosy z oddali (Voices from Afar), three songs, baritone and orchestra (1981)
[The Poison Tasters (1995) - Baird's music used in film score; along with music by Schnittke, Bacewicz, Bittova & Chopin]

WORKS BY GENRE                                                            Baird Links     ~ top of page ~
Jutro (Tomorrow), musical drama in one act (1964-1966) [based on short story by Conrad]

Concerto grosso in the Old Style, D minor, chamber orchestra (1949)
Sinfonietta, orchestra (1949)
Symphony No. 1, orchestra (1950)
Overture in the Old Style, small orchestra (1950)
Giocosa Overture, orchestra (1952)
Symphony No. 2, "Sinfonia quasi una fantasia", orchestra (1951-52)
Concerto for Orchestra (1953)
Cassazione per orchestra (1956)
Four Essays, orchestra (1958)
Variations Without a Theme, orchestra (1961-1962)
Epiphany Music, orchestra (1963)
Four Novelettes, chamber orchestra (1967)
Sinfonia breve, orchestra (1968)
Symphony No. 3, orchestra (1969)
Psychodrama, orchestra (1972)
Elegia, orchestra (1973)
Canzona, orchestra (1980)

Soloist(s) w/Orchestra
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1949)
Colas Breugnon, a suite in the old style, flute and string orchestra (1951)
Espressioni Varianti (Expressions), violin and orchestra (1958-1959)
Four Dialogs, oboe and chamber orchestra (1964)
Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra (1972-1973)
Concerto lugubre, viola and orchestra (1975)
Scenes (Discussion, Dispute, Reconciliation), cello, harp and orchestra (1976-1977)

Chorus w/Orchestra
Ballada o żołnierskim kubku (Ballad about a Soldier's Cup), cantata, baritone, recitative voice, chorus and orchestra (1954)
Egzorta (Exhortation/Sermon), reciting voice, mixed chorus and orchestra (1959)
Goethe Letters, cantata, baritone, mixed chorus and orchestra (1970)

Dwie pieśni (Two Songs), chorus (1953)
Biegną wody potoku (Run the water pipe), chorus (1955)
Egzorta (Sermon), narrator, mixed chorus and orchestra (1960)

Divertimento, flute, clarinet, oboe and bassoon (1956)
String Quartet (1957) [also arr. for string orchestra]
Play, string quartet (1971)
Variations in Rondo Form, string quartet (1978)

Solo Instrument
Dwa kaprysy (Two Caprices), clarinet and piano (1953)
Four Preludes, bassoon and piano (1954)

Sonatina I, piano (1949)
Sonatina II, piano (1952)
Little Suite for Children, piano (1952)

Three Songs to Old Italian Texts, soprano, 3 violas and cello (1952)
Lyrical Suite, four songs, soprano and orchestra (1953)
Two Love Songs, soprano and piano (1953)
Na warszawskim zlocie (At Warsaw's Gold), voice and piano (1955?)
Pięć piosenek dla dzieci do słów (Five Children's Songs), female voice and piano (1955)
Four Love Sonnets (version I), baritone and orchestra (1956)
Erotyki (Erotics), six songs, soprano and orchestra (1960-1961)
Etude, vocal orchestra, percussion and piano (1961)
Troubadours' Songs, alto or mezzo-soprano, two flutes and cello (1963)
Four Songs, mezzo-soprano and chamber orchestra (1966)
Five Songs, mezzo-soprano and 16 instruments (1968)
Four Love Sonnets (version II), baritone, strings and harpsichord (1969)
Głosy z oddali (Voices from Afar), three songs, baritone and orchestra (1981)

Film/TV scores
Sztuka mlodych, film score (1949)
Kierunek - Nowa Huta!, documentary film score (1951)
Zwycięska Droga, documentary film score (1951)
Warszawa w obrazach Canaletta (Warsaw in the Paintings of Canaletto), documentary film score (1955)
Pod jednym niebem, documentary film score (1955)
Pętla (The Noose), film score (1957)
Legenda, film score (1957)
Kamienne niebo (The Stone Sky/A Sky of Stone), film score (1959)
Lotna (Speed), film score (1959)
Rok pierwszy (Year One), film score (1960)
Kwiecień (Spring/April), film score (1961)
Ludzie z pociągu (Night Train/Panic on a Train), film score (1961)
Prekolumbijska sztuka meksykańska (Precolumbian Mexican Art), documentary film score (1961)
Ogniomistrz Kaleń (The Artillery Sergeant Kalen/Burning Mountains), film score (1961)
Samson, film score (1961) [music based on Symphony No. 2, 1952]
Między brzegami (Between Two Shores), film score (1962) [sometimes mistakenly listed as "Pomiedzy Brzegami"]
Spóźnieni przechodnie (Those Who Are Late), film score (1962)
Zerwany most (The Lost Bridge), film score (1962)
Eseje, documentary film score (1962)
Ich dzień powszedni (Every Day), film score (1963)
Naganiacz (Manhunter), film score (1963)
Pasażerka (The Passenger), film score (1963)
Agnieszka 46 (Agnes 1946), film score (1964)
Drewniany Różaniec (The Wooden Rosary), film score (1964)
Nieznany (The Unknown), film score (1964)
Na melinę, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Nazajutrz po wojnie, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Wózek, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Buty, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Córeczka, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Nad Odrą, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Bigos, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Instrumentum Mortis, TV film score (1965) [from series Dzień ostatni, dzień pierwszy (Last Day - Day One), 1965]
Człowiek z kwiatem w ustach (The Man with a Flower in His Mouth), TV film score (1965)
Miejsce dla jednego (Place [Room] for One), film score (1965)
Śmierć w środkowym pokoju, TV film score (1965)
Wizyta u królów (Visit at the Kings), TV film score (1965)
Przeraźliwe łoże, TV film score (1967) [from series "Swiat Grozy" (Horror World), 1967]
Faktury, documentary film score (1967)
Szorstka Twórczość (Rugged Creativeness), documentaty film score (1967)
Zbrodnia lorda Artura Savile'a, TV film score (1967) [from series "Swiat Grozy" (Horror World), 1967]
Kiedy miłość była zbrodnią (Rassenschande: When Love Was a Crime), film score (1968)
Pozarowisko, TV film score (1968)
Gniewko, syn rybaka, TV mini-series music (1969-70; unknown episodes)
Jutro, TV film score (1974)
[The Poison Tasters (1995) - Baird's music used in film score; along with music by Schnittke, Bacewicz, Bittova & Chopin]

Incidental Music
Balladyna, incidental music (1954)
Juliusz i Ethel, incidental music (1954)
Dziady A. Mickiewicza, incidental music (1955)
Romeo and Juliet, incidental music (1956)
Samotność (Loneliness), incidental music (1956)
Ludzie z martwej winnicy, incidental music (1957)
Imiona władzy, incidental music (1957)
Henry IV (Shakespeare), incidental music (1958)
Wizyta starszej pani, incidental music (1958)
Wesele (The Wedding), incidental music (1958)
Szkoda tej czarownicy na stos, incidental music (1958)
Dama Kameliowa (Dumas), TV incidental music (1958)
A Midsummer Night's Dream, incidental music (1959)
Lilla Weneda, incidental music (1959)
The Crucible, incidental music (1959)
Romulus Wielki (Great Romulus), incidental music (1959)
The Devil and the Good Lord (Sarte), incidental music (1960)
Hamlet, incidental music (1960)
Richard III, incidental music (1960)
Sophocles' Oedipus the King, incidental music (1961)
The Marriage (Gogol), incidental music (1961)
Pan Pickwick w Tarapatach (Dickens), TV incidental music (1961)
All the King's Men, incidental music (1962)
Andorra, incidental music (1962)
Smok, incidental music (1962)
Hamlet, incidental music (1962)
Fizycy (The Physicists), incidental music (1962)
Polały się łzy (The Tears Flowed), TV incidental music (1962)
Dziewiąty sprawiedliwy (Ninth Fair), incidental music (1963)
Krucjata dziecięca (Children's Crusade) (Brecht), incidental music (1963)
Miłość Don Perlimplina Do Belisy w Jego Ogrodzie (Love of Don Perlimplín & Belisa in his Garden)(Lorca), TV incid. music (1963)
Letnicy, incidental music (1964)
Czerwona róża dla mnie, incidental music (1964)
Don Juan czyli miłość do geometrii, incidental music (1964)
Wiele hałasu O Nic (Much Ado About Nothing), TV incidental music (1964)
Measure for Measure, incidental music (1965)
After the Fall, incidental music (1965)
Miłość Don Perlimplina do Belisy w jego ogrodzie, incidental music (1965
Urząd (The Office), incidental music (1965)
Stanisław i Bogumił, incidental music (1965)
The Castle (Kafka), incidental music (1965)
Wędrówki mistrza Kościeja, incidental music (1965)
Ondyna, incidental music (1965)
Pruski mur, incidental music (1966)
Trojanki, incidental music (1966)
Kordian, incidental music (1966)
Meteor, incidental music (1966)
Madame Bovary, incidental music (1966)
Powrót do Lizbony, TV incidental music (1966)
Warszawianka (The Song of Warsaw) (Andrzejewski J.), TV incidental music (1966)
Warszawianka (The Song of Warsaw) (Wyspianski S.), TV incidental music (1966)
Jarmark, incidental music (1967)
Mądremu biada, incidental music (1967) [also used for TV performance, 1968]
Anabaptyści, incidental music (1967)
Horsztyński, incidental music (1968)  [also used for TV performance, 1969]
Yerma (Lorca), TV incidental music (1968)
Kroniki królewskie, incidental music (1968)
Klątwa, incidental music (1969)
Życie jest snem, incidental music (1969)
Hadrian VII, incidental music (1969)
Niespodzianka (Suprise), TV incidental music (1969)
Cymbelin (Shakespeare), incidental music (1970)
Marchołt gruby a sprośny, jego narodzin, życia i śmierci misterium tragikomiczne, incidental music (1970)
Julius Ceasar, incidental music (1971)
Kajus Cezar Kaligula, incidental music (1971)
Na dnie, incidental music (1972)
Odprawa posłów greckich, incidental music (1974)
Kroniki królewskie, TV incidental music (1974)
Pejzaże Prowincjonalne (Provincial Landscapes), incidental music (1974)
Życie Galileusza (The Life of Galileo) (Brecht), incidental music (1978)

BAIRD  LINKS                                                            Works by Genre      ~ top of page ~
Tadeusz Baird (documentary film on the composer and his music) (Louis Persian, dir., 1971)

Composer website (at Polish Music Center) . . .   inquire about Tadeusz Baird:  polmusic (at) usc (dott) edu

Baird @ Wikipedia
Baird @ (in Polish)
Baird @
Baird @ CITWF / Complete Index to World Film
Baird @ Classical Composers Database
Baird @ ClassicsToday
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Baird @ Fandango
Baird @     also    here
Baird @ (in Polish)     also    here
Baird @ IMDb (Internet Movie Database)
Baird @ MSN Movies
Baird @ MusicWeb International
Baird @ The New York Times
Baird @ Polish Music Center
Baird @ Polish Music Information Centre
Baird @ PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)   or    here

Baird @ Chester Novello
Baird @ Edition Peters
Baird @ PWM (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne)   or    here

Streaming Audio
Baird @

Baird @
Baird @ ArkivMusic
Baird @ CD Universe
Baird @ ClassicsOnline
Baird @ Discogs
Baird @ itunes

Baird @ YouTube
Baird @ Google Video
Baird Films @ YouTube
    Agnieszka 46    [film, but no music    here    and     here    and     here]
    Lotna    also    here    [film, but no music    here]
    Nieznany    [film, but no music    here]
    Ogniomistrz Kalen    also     here    and    here    [film, but no music    here]
    Pasazerka    also     here
    Petla    [film, but no music    here    and     here]
    Pozarowisko    also     here    and    here

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